"Tools" for Emotional stability / Inner peace

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."
- Proverbs 17:22

Signs of Inner Peace

Frequent attacks of smilingLoss of interest in conflicts
Loss of ability to worry – a very serious symptom 🙂 Increased tendency to allow rather than force things
Loss of interest in self-judgingLoss of interest in judging others or their actions
Frequent overwhelming episodes of appreciationAbility to enjoy each moment
Increased susceptibility to love extended by othersUncontrollable urge to extend love to all around
Tendency to think / act spontaneouslyContented feelings connecting with others and nature

Tips for when things are getting you down or making you mad

"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be”

– Abraham Lincoln

  • Set and achieve attainable short-term ideals / goals.  You will not be so frustrated
  • Don’t let the “small stuff” get to you.    Especially if it will not matter a short time from now
  • Get up, get dressed and show up.    In particular get up at the same time each day, preferably early, to improve your circadian rhythms

Professional’s Code

  • When you wake up in the morning, say “Today, my purpose is to _____(fill in the blank)”
  • “Today, I will behave as if this is the day I will be remembered”  – Dr. Seuss
  •   Live in the present, don’t dwell on past negativity, or worry about the future.  It isn’t the experience of TODAY that drives men mad. It is the remorse of what happened YESTERDAY and fear of what TOMORROW might bring.
“Life is what happens while you’re making other plans”

– John Lennon 


  • What other people think of you is none of YOUR business.   Keep control of your own thinking and activities. Also – you don’t need other’s approval to follow the desires of your heart – don’t limit your dreams
  • Forgive everyone for everything (i.e. let go of grudges) and say positive things about others.    Enhances YOUR positive attitude as well as theirs.
  • Don’t compare your life with others
  • You don’t have to win every argument.   Agree to disagree
  • Don’t make excuses.   Face up to and deal with your problems, regarding them more as challenges to overcome with ingenuity and perseverence.
  • Spend more time with people over the age of 70 and under 6.  Learn from the wisdom of the elderly and capture some of the young’s inhibitions
  • Look for opportunites to extend kindnesses.   This has the dual effect of making you feel good and the tendency for kindness to be paid forward
  • Express gratitude for the positive things you have
  • Relationships are important.    Put a high priority on spending quality time with family and friends; include positive-minded friends, since “Misery loves company” and unhappy people can drag you down if you don’t keep a balance by spending time with happier people
  • Be honest.   A guilty conscience weighs you down and causes you to be dissatisfied and unhappy with yourself
  • Some things can’t be changed and must eventually be accepted.   Apply your energy to those things that can be positively changed
  • Time heals almost everything
  • Think less about yourself.
“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less”

– C.S. Lewis 

Social and spiritual connections

Social connections

"Having stronger social relationships predicts a 50% increased likelihood of survival, consistent across age, sex, initial health status, cause of death and follow-up period!"

Many studies have demonstrated that lack of social connections is the #1 factor for predicting how long you live    Even in affluent nations. 

Thoughts / Emotions – For long life you may be surprised at what matters most

Spiritual connections bring love, joy, peace and vitality

To be truly healthy and alive, you need a clear conduit to God.    Being connected to God provides sensitivity, inspiration, empathy, compassion and intuition, feeling connected, communing with those around you, humanity, joy, happiness and peace.

Without God – Sense of isolation, loneliness, confusion and fear, weakened will to live, life lacks vision and meaning.

Trust in God -“The Ultimate Source of Energy (and peace)”

Hormonal balance

Hormonal imbalance is often involved in chronic emotional states.   Neurotransmitters and hormones can be re-balanced by applying safe, time-tested and effective CES therapy.  

Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES)

Extremely effective and non-invasive therapy for rebalancing hormones

E.g. Use the SOTA Bio-Tuner 20 minutes per day for 3 weeks.

Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES)

Sun exposure

Unblock cellular communication pathways

There is strong evidential feedback that emotional problems are not in fact a “head” problem, but rather an electrical blockage in our body’s communication pathways.  i.e. the extra cellular matrix (sometimes called the meridians). Carrying emotional burdens from the past or present causes blockages in the body’s cellular communication pathways – which results in a compromised immune system and physical problems.

Meridian Tapping Technique (MTT)

MTT provides a simple, no cost therapy to unblock cellular communication pathways that become blocked as a result of past or present traumas or emotional hang-ups.   MTT is actually used for almost all emotional / physical  disturbances – E.g. addiction, shame, CFS, diabetes, post traumatic stress disorder, weight loss, performance, sexual drive, self acceptance and love, vision (75% improvement), fears, diverticulitis, insomnia, headache . . .


MTT is an unbelievably simple, short sequence of actions and thoughts, designed to identify and unblock electrical pathways blocked by emotional or physical trauma. You would be remiss not to at least give it a shot. Many, including this writer, claim positive results.

Meridian Tapping Technique (MTT)

Check this out:

Video showing blood becoming unclumped after a short MTT session (starts 4:09)

Accupuncture or Accupressure

When all is well, the body has a balanced flow of energy (sometimes referred to as “Chi”) traveling along specific pathways called meridians. This balanced electrical flow can be disturbed by life-events with ensuing disease.  Pressure points along the meridians can be stimulated to restore balance.  

Chiropractic locates and removes a powerful “disconnection” in your body.  Called subluxation (the vertebral subluxation complex), this physical condition interferes with the flow of energy and information in your body.


Nutrient medicine


A West African herb provides a natural substitute for the usually prescribed anti-depression / anxiety SSRI drugs:

5-HTP -“A natural Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitor (SSRI)”

Essential oils

"Food for Thought"

Fats.    Neurotransmitters deliver message across a neuron’s synapse to receptor sites contained in the myelin sheath. This sheath is made of phospholipids, each comprised of a saturated and an unsaturated fatty acid. Brain is 60% fat, if you take out the water.

Amino Acids, Enzymes, Vitamins, Minerals.   Turning an amino acid into a neurotransmitter requires enzymes that require vitamins, minerals and other amino acids.

NUTRITION -“Eat to Live or Live to Eat”



Improves state of mind and self-esteem; fights depression; reverses negative effects of stress


Relaxation techniques



Attention is focused on breathing and/or on a word, phrase or sound (mantra) leading to a more relaxed body and calmer mind.   Doctors at the Mayo Clinic use meditation to treat patients with anxiety and high blood pressure and to help people quit smoking without medication.

An analysis of 20 studies on meditation found that this treatment could help patients cope with epilepsy, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menopausal symptoms, autoimmune disease, and anxiety during cancer treatment.


The patient is led into a state of deep relaxation and focused attention by either a hypnotherapist or an instructional audio (self-hypnosis) – verbal suggestions are made to help relieve anxiety, pain, tension headaches and insomnia.

Doctors at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York Cityanalyzed 20 studies on hypnosis and surgical patients. In 89% of cases, surgical patients who were hypnotized had less pain, used less pain medication and recovered faster.

Guided imagery

Patients imagine a beautiful, soothing environment.   E.g. a warm beach. Guided imagery, also referred to as visualization, helps reduce anxiety in patients who become claustrophobic during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, who are having outpatient surgery without general anesthesia or who have been diagnosed with a life-threatening disease, such as cancer.

In a study conducted at the University of Akronin Ohio, a group of 53 women receiving radiation therapy for breast cancer either listened to guided imagery tapes once a day or did not. The women listening to the tapes felt more comfortable and less anxious, particularly during the first three weeks of treatment.

Sound therapy

Color therapy

Chronic low-level inflammation

- The Medical kit of the future


  • Detoxification
  • Boost immune system / cellular energy
  • Anti-inflammatory / Pain-relief
  • Insomnia / Reduce stress
  • Accelerates healing of tissue, bone, muscles, scars
  • Improve circulation +++

Successful electrotherapies:

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy Near Infrared (NIR) class 4 laser therapy
Rife therapy
Ozone therapy


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