Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy for shingles

PEMF benefits for shingles
Decrease inflammation and pain related to shingles attacks.  Benefits likely to be more pronounced the sooner PEMFs are applied.
Strengthen / modulate immune system to prevent recurrence of this viral infection.   Shingles attacks usually occur during times of emotional or physical stress, which overtaxes the natural ability of the immune system to keep the shingles virus or any microbial presence under control.
Where to apply PEMFs
1. In the area of pain
2. To the spinal column at the same level of where the pain is experienced.    This is where the shingles virus is probably residing. E.g. for pain in mid chest or breasts, treat thoracic spine (just below should blades); if pain is in lower back or abdomen, treat lower back.
Other considerations
Acute lesions may need other anti-inflammatory / immune-modulating therapies in addition to healing PEMFs
The pain and rash will eventually go away, but the virus is probably still residing in the body. Regular therapy to the spinal area where virus is likely hiding is advised.
Rarely, the virus may enter the brain and cause meningitis.