The four steps of the Beck Protocol

* IMPORTANT * – Re: SOTA instruments Please read this disclaimer

Beck’s protocol comprises four tool-assisted steps to restore or maintain good health by:

  • Detoxifying the Body
  • Increasing Cellular Energy Production
  • Restoring / Supercharging Immune System Function

There are also other good ideas for accomplishing these goals, but together with the necessary proper nutrition and a balanced lifestyle, this protocol may be all you need.

STEP 1 – Wrist pulsing / Blood purification

Research from Harvard, MIT and Albert Einstein College of Medicine has shown that micro-currents are known to eliminate ALL pathogenic viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi in the blood.

Cotton-covered leads from a micro-pulsing device, such as the SOTA Silver Pulser, are attached externally (using a velcro strap) to pulse points on the wrist to induce a gentle, alternating microcurrent in the blood.

The SOTA – Silver Pulser Used as a blood purifier utilizes PEMF therapy (voltage square waves) with therapeutically effective (extremely low-level / barely felt) micro-currents to cleanse the blood:

  • Destroy toxins
  • Destroy/disabled disease-causing pathogens and their by-products (mycotoxins). Alternating microcurrents have been shown to eliminate microbes by destroying a key enzyme on their surface, preventing it from multiplying.
  • Destroys cancer cells directly or indirectly (by restoring immune system function)

 Other benefits:

  • Increase cellular energy output
  • Energize immune system cells – to enable the immune system to effectively handle its day-to-day tasks of destroying cancer cells and neutralizing newly arriving toxins and potential pathogens

With the SOTA blood purifier, this is accomplished while the blood remains in the body

The SOTA – Silver Pulser as a blood purifier is used at least 2 hours per day in a detoxification program.    Can be split into smaller sessions.

STEP 2 – Detoxify organs – Utilizes pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy  over lymph areas, spleen, kidney and liver

PEMF therapy

An electromagnetic pulser (Eg. SOTA – Magnetic Pulser ) creates an electromagnetic pulse (you don’t feel it) that induces a microcurrent in the targeted organ or area to disable microbes.    It is used to cleanse liver, kidneys, spleen and lymph, and to target cancerous or problem areas– a “lollipop-type” wand is placed over each target area for a few seconds.

Why the need for the Magnetic Pulser?     Germinating, latent, foreign invaders can  “hide” in the lymph. The SOTA magnetic pulser (based on Bob Beck’s original design) neutralizes these “invaders” in the lymph and organs. This speeds up disease elimination, restores the immune system and supports detoxification. Some microbes can “run away” from these areas into the blood, where the SOTA blood purifier can “catch” them!

Use the SOTA – Magnetic Pulser for 20 minutes / day to detoxify liver, kidneys, spleen and lymph.   This process neutralizes pathogens in the treated areas.

You can also use the SOTA – Magnetic Pulser over specific problem areas:    E.g. A muscle strain, sore back, arthritic areas, tumors or localized cancerous areas;

STEP 3 – Drink Ionic Colloidal Silver (ICS)

ICS can be made using the SOTA Silver Pulser:   SOTA – Silver Pulser to make ICS

Ionic Colloidal Silver (ICS) is:

  • A natural antibiotic;
  • Almost tasteless liquid; taken orally;
  • SAFELY destroys microbes in the body

Drinking Ionic Colloidal Silver greatly assists the immune system in eliminating all known pathogens and preventing opportunistic infections – ICS is known to eliminate hundreds of viruses, bacteria, fungus, etc. – more than any modern antibiotic or pharmaceutical drug. It fell out of use in the early 1900’s as a result of the medical system and drug companies pushing their products, and also because of its price (it sold for as much as $100 per ounce!). It can now be made for mere pennies with a generator. This truly “miracle” liquid is a powerful “first-aid-kit-in-a-bottle” and can be used safely, anywhere in or on the body, including the eyes. It also has many beneficial household uses. By the way, ICS has a taste not much different to water.

Drink ½ cup ionic colloidal silver (ICS) twice daily –extremely affective antibiotic to give the immune system a helping hand.

STEP 4 – Drink Ozonated Water – A Bio-oxidative (“Active Oxygen”) Therapy

(Ozonated water can be made by bubbling ozone through water (E.g. using the SOTA Water O3onator )

This step used for rapid, safe and natural cell oxygenation without free radical damage – Every cell in your body needs sufficient OXYGEN to be able to produce enough energy to operate effectively.

  • Significantly increases blood OXYGEN levels and promotes oxygen delivery to cells – thus increasing cellular energy production;
  • Significantly increases the number of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in the body – destroys microbes and toxins in the blood, which improves circulation, and therefore also increases cellular energy production. The ROS singlet oxygen generated by “active”oxygen therapies emits near infrared (NIR) energy, which also enhances ATP energy production.

The Beck Protocol advocates drinking 8 oz. ozonated water three times /day

  • Destroys toxins released by dying micro-organisms (by creating Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in the body).   Many people experience fatigue and flu-like symptoms, referred to as the The Herxheimer Reaction, when they use electromedicine for detoxification. Drinking ozonated helps relieve these symptoms by eliminating the toxins.

Membrane antioxidant enzyme systems protect healthy cells from oxidation.   Healthy cells are not damaged by “oxidizers” (e.g.  ROS).  This is because healthy, aerobic cells and organisms contain protective antioxidant enzymes in their cell membranes. Microbes and diseased cells have less protective enzymes and fall prey to ROS, whether produced by the immune system cells or therapeutically introduced.

ALTERNATIVE bio-oxidative (“Active Oxygen”) therapies? – Although the Beck Protocol advocates drinking ozonated water, this author considers that there are some alternative bio-oxidative therapies you could use.  

Chronic low-level inflammation

- The Medical kit of the future


  • Detoxification
  • Boost immune system / cellular energy
  • Anti-inflammatory / Pain-relief
  • Insomnia / Reduce stress
  • Accelerates healing of tissue, bone, muscles, scars
  • Improve circulation +++

Successful electrotherapies:

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy Near Infrared (NIR) class 4 laser therapy
Rife therapy
Ozone therapy

PEMF Therapy related: