How to use the SOTA® magnetic pulser for pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy

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For basic information on the SOTA Magnetic Pulser:

SOTA Magnetic Pulser for PEMF therapy

The SOTA website has detailed instructions on how to use the magnetic pulser.  Log in to where you will find complete and up-to-date instruction manuals and demonstration videos.  You will first need to become a member of the SOTA community. When you have become  a member, click “Our products”, then “Magnetic pulser”, then “Product manual” for your pulser model.

This site highlights important details of how to use the pulser and and also gives information on how the pulser can be used for specific health problems (the SOTA site is restricted under Canadian law from mentioning healing specifics)

General details

The SOTA Magnetic Pulser is used with the provided AC power adapter.   Alternatively, it can be connected to a 12 V car battery or solar panel using an appropriate adapter w/ Center positive polarity

The pulses can can go through clothes and body tissue and reach up to 14″ inch (MP7 model) distance away from paddle. 

 EM field strength drops off rapidly with distance away from paddle face.   At the rate of the inverse of the square of the distance (r) away. (i.e. 1 / r 2).  E.g. For MP6 model in regular mode:

  • EM field strength 1″ away from coil face is ~ 2000 gauss
  • EM field strength 4″ away from coil face is only ~180 Gauss.

MP6 and MP7 models have a fast mode, in addition to regular mode.  Fast mode has more pulses in given treatment time but at a lower EM field strength. This is ideal for reaching areas close to the surface of the body

  • MP6 Regular mode: ~255 pulse per 20 minute cycle with EM field strength at paddle face is 6000 gauss (600,000 µTesla)
  • MP6 Fast mode  ~1400 pulses per 20 minute cycle with EM field strength  at the paddle face of 2500 gauss (250,000 µTesla)

Technical Details




 Regular ModeRegular ModeFast ModeRegular ModeFast Mode
EM field strength at face6000 gauss
(600,000 µTesla
6000 gauss
(600,000 µTesla
2500 gauss
(250,000 µTesla
>7000 gauss>2500 gauss
(250,000 µTesla
Depth at which EM field strength tapers to near zero9″ (23 cm)9″ (23 cm)7″ (18 cm)14″ (35 cm)7″ (18cm)
Pulses per 20-30 mins cycle~255~255~1400~3141400
Pulse duration (milliseconds)~2.5 mS~2.5 mS~2.5 mS4.75 mS3.5 mS
Charge Time (in seconds)5 – 7 seconds5 – 7 seconds~1 s< 4 seconds<1 second


Which side of paddle to use?

  • Polarity of each side of the paddle has been labelled, but it doesn’t matter which side you use
  • The sides of SOTA magnetic pulser wand are labeled to show polarity – i.e. the side with the SOTA logo is positive polarity, and an “N’ marks the negative polarity.
  • Polarity does not matter with pulsed electromagnetic fields – The primary function of the SOTA Magnetic Pulser is to induce a therapeutic microcurrent.  Although there is some weak evidence with static magnets that the negatively charged pole has a calming effect, whilst the positively charged  pole is stimulating. A static magnetic field has some health benefit by aligning molecules within its lines of flux as an adjunct therapy. Therapeutic PEMFs are always in motion, expanding and collapsing through tissues, they are essentially bipolar. 
  • Regardless of the side used facing your body, whether the direction of the electromagnetic field flux is clockwise or anti-clockwise on its way through your body parts depends on where you place the wand on your body.  e.g.  on the top or bottom of your wrist, or front or back of your body
  • Humans are continually exposed to both polarities.    From such as the geomagnetic field, which changes direction depending on whether we are in the North or Southern hemisphere, via electromagnetic fields from various sources, and other DC magnetic fields, e.g. from the alternator in your car.
  • User will feel no physical sensations.  Only quiet beeps are heard, or you can turn on an optional, louder beeper if you prefer;

Health and safety issues

The SOTA magnetic pulser is generally considered safe to use anywhere on the head, chest, and body –  however, the SOTA magnetic pulser (e,g, MP7) should not be used in the following situations:

  • Do not use if pregnant (or if suspected)
  • Do not use in the area of a shunt, pacemaker, or other electronic implant
  • Do not use over areas of external or internal bleeding, or during menstruation. 
  • Do not use over metal implants, including hip replacement, metal screws, rods, plates – heat build-up could be uncomfortable

For information on these and other items of mention, please go to www.SOTA. com.

Exposure levels are considered safe.  The intensity of this magnetic pulser is much lower than Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) routinely used in hospitals

The SOTA Magnetic Pulser will kill good bacteria, as well as bad.   If you have poor digestion, this is why you should not use it on the abdomen. If you do use the Magnetic Pulser on the abdomen, then take a good (i.e. expensive) probiotic supplement for at least one month after stopping use of the Magnetic Pulser.

How to supplement probiotics

  • To kill worms in the intestines, it would be less detrimental to intestinal flora to do a parasite cleanse:

Parasite cleanses

WHEN USING, KEEP PADDLE SEVERAL FEET AWAY FROM CREDIT CARDS, WATCHES, MAGNETIC TAPE, COMPUTERS, FLOPPY DISKS, HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES, ETC.   Since its magnetic field can de-gauss and erase magnetic data as well as subtle energy-based medicines (e.g. homeopathic remedies, flower essences).

Instructions for using SOTA magnetic pulser over a specific problem area

Place paddle flat against or hovering close over the problem area for 20 minutes once or twice per dayuntil problem is resolved (typically 1-3 weeks). (SOTA says use the negative polarity side labeled “N”, preferring to use the same caution as for static magnets, whilst acknowledging on their website that polarity doesn’t apply to pulsed electromagnetic fields)

You may need to undergo general detoxification (above) to ensure permanent success for systemic problems.

Which area to place pulser over?Reason?
SpineHeal herniated disk / Reduce back pain
Kidney (s)Kidney / urinary tract infection
WristSprain or carpal tunnel syndrome
Arthritic jointHeal / Reduce pain
Damaged muscle / tendon / ligamentHeal / reduce inflammation
Burstitis (rotator cuff)Reduce inflammation
Sprained /edemic ankleHeal sprain, reduce swelling
Infected gum / toothKill infection
Ovarian cystsShrink them
LiverMicrobial detoxification
Cancerous tumorPEMF therapy destroys cancer cells

Instructions for using the SOTA magnetic pulser for overall body detoxification

See Beck Protocol – detoxifies whole body, energizes cells, and boosts immune system.

You need to drink plenty of water whilst undergoing PEMF therapy to aid in detoxification and improve effectiveness of therapy

Place paddle flat against or near body over the liver, kidneys, spleen and lymph glands (see below for locationsand pulse each site ~5-10 times.  (SOTA says use the negative polarity side labeled “N”, preferring to use the same caution as for static magnets, whilst acknowledging on their website that polarity doesn’t apply to pulsed electromagnetic fields)

Use the Magnetic Pulser, in conjunction with using the Silver Pulser (Blood Purifier), for a treatment period of at least 3 weeks (up to 3 months for serious problems).   The Silver Pulser (blood purifier) therapy should begin concurrently with or within 15-30 minutes AFTER the Magnetic Pulser, because the Magnetic Pulser may break apart colonies of microbes and release them into the bloodstream where blood electrification by the Silver Pulser can disable them.

Expect to feel some side-effects during general detoxification? – depending on your degree of immune dysfunction, you will get various cleansing reactions,as a consequence of immune system restoral and the direct effect of PEMF therapy disabling microbes, which must then be removed from the body. This can cause: headaches, stiff joints, nausea, sleepiness, weakness, foggy thinking, and dulled speech.

If you feel too uncomfortable with the cleansing effects, reduce the number of pulses and drink more water.

Why bother with the lymph for general detoxification?

Pulsing the lymph node collection points targets the body’s waste, including microbes and toxins
  • 90% ofthe body’s “dirty” water is in the lymph system.   A 150 pound person is 2/3 or 100 pounds of water, which contains approximately 12 pints of blood. Blood is 83% water, weighing approximately 10 pounds. Thus, completely purifying the bloodstream still only deals with 10% of the “dirty” water problem.
  • Many miles long, the intricate and almost invisible lymphatic network is as vital as the bloodstream.   The sluggish, largely unmapped lymphatic system has puzzled physiologists since early Greek times, and yet our health depends upon how well this complex and finely delicate system functions.
  • The lymph system slowly drains its collected “dirty” fluids into the lymph node collection points.  Unlike the bloodstream, which follows a swift-flowing, closed circuit from arteries to capillaries to veins and then back to the arteries, the lymphatic system flows slowly in a single direction. Its initial microscopic flow originates in intercellular space (the area between cells). The collected fluid passes through ever-enlarging ducts until it reaches the lower neck region, where it empties into veins leading to the heart to be mixed back into the blood. It takes 24 hours for the lymph to completely circulate the body.

The lymphatic network provides an all-important drainage system. So when you are “up to your neck in alligators” facing a serious disease, you will need to “drain the vast swamp”

Where to place the pulser wand?

Download and print this handy chart showing all the detox pulsing sites

Location of liver

Largest solid organ and largest gland in the body.    A few of its hundreds of functions are:

  • Keeping poisons out of your blood.  By metabolizing and/orsecreting drugs, environmental toxins and potentially harmful biochemical products of the body
  • Making protein
  • Forming and secreting bile.   Bile contains bile acids to aid in the intestinal absorption of fats and the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.
  • Metabolizing and storing carbohydrates.   Required by red blood cells and the brain to make energy.

Since the liver is large, it needs to be pulsed at 4-5 different sites

Location of kidneys

Two bean-shaped organs in the middle of your back, which:

  • Control the amount of water in your body
  • Get rid of wastes through the urine.

Use magnetic pulser over the kidneys from behind the back

Notice that the right kidney is slightly lower than the left

(Tip: to remember its location – think of the word “downright”)

Location of spleen

A large organ to the left of the stomach and below the diaphragm.    An important part of the lymphatic system, serving to:

  • Store blood
  • Disintegrate old blood cells
  • Filter foreign substances from the blood
  • Produce lymphocytes (white blood cells)

Blood passes through the spleen to the liver and every other organ and gland, eventually reaching the body extremities.

Location of lymph nodes

The major lymph node groups are located at the side and front of the neck and on the underside of the jaw.    The major groups of lymph nodes, as well as the approximate areas they drain, are listed below. There is a fair amount of variability and overlap.

Head/neck area lymph nodes
 Where are the head/neck lymph nodes?What does it drain?
Anterior CervicalNodes lie on and beneath the sternocleidomastoid muscles (SCMs) on either side of the neck. This muscle allows the head to turn to the right and left.Internal structures of the throatand part of the posterior pharynx, tonsils, and thyroid gland
Posterior Cervical Skin on the back of the head. Also frequently enlarged during upper respiratory infections (e.g. mononucleosis).
TonsilarJust below the angle of the mandibleTonsilar and posterior pharyngeal regions
Sub-MandibularAlong the underside of the jaw on either sideStructures in the floor of the mouth
Sub-MentalJust below the chin.Teeth and intra-oral cavity
Supra-clavicularIn the hollow above the clavicle.Part of the thoracic cavity, abdomen

Axillary lymph nodes – found in the armpit area

Epitrochlear Nodes: Found on the inside of the upper arm, just above the elbow.

Chronic low-level inflammation

- The Medical kit of the future


  • Detoxification
  • Boost immune system / cellular energy
  • Anti-inflammatory / Pain-relief
  • Insomnia / Reduce stress
  • Accelerates healing of tissue, bone, muscles, scars
  • Improve circulation +++

Successful electrotherapies:

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy Near Infrared (NIR) class 4 laser therapy
Rife therapy
Ozone therapy

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