Beck story, interview and testimonies

Story behind the Beck protocol
In 1991, Dr. Robert Beck’s interest was stimulated when he read in “Science News magazine” about a research project at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, that the application of a small electric current could prevent the AIDS virus from infecting laboratory-cultured, human white blood cells. In attempting to obtain information presented at a symposium given by the project’s research doctors, he found that their research paper had been mysteriously deleted. However, in 1993, the research became public when a U.S. patent was approved for the college research doctors, which utilized a micro-electric current to sterilize blood for transfusions, destroying almost all viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi instantly. U.S. Patent 5,188,738 Kaali, et. al. * Feb. 23, 1993. One might expect such a patent to gain headline attention-but of course it did not, since powerful pharmaceutical companies protect their profits by controlling the so-called “independent” press.
After learning of this government confirmation, Dr. Beck set to work to design a safe, simple, affordable, non-invasive method to apply a micro-current directly to the body. Combining the Kaali and Lyman research with that of physicist Robert O. Becker (author of “Cross Currents and “Body Electric”) and his team at Syracuse university, he also proved that atomic-sized particles of pure silver suspended in water (called “Ionic Colloidal Silver”) can destroy even the most drug resistant bacteria and viruses on contact.
Instead of profiting from the machines he designed, Beck made his designs freely available to us via the internet, thus making it impossible for the medical and pharmaceutical industries to control or suppress his inventions. Anyone with any electrical know-how can make their own machines. Also, a friend of Beck’s, Russ Torlage, began the SOTA company to make Beck’s machines, naming them the “Silver Pulser” and the “Magnetic Pulser”, at a price affordable to most people.
Despite being harassed constantly by the FDA, Dr. Beck continued to lecture until his death in 2002, so that all would know that electromedicine is the key to reversing today’s health problems.
“Shocking Treatment Proposed For AIDS” |
Excerpt from a report on an experiment in SCIENCE NEWS, March 30, 1991 pg. 207
Bob Beck interview
“I read an article in Science News that was published March 30, 1991. On page 207, it described the “shocking” treatment proposed for AIDS by Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, which had accidentally discovered a way to cure all AIDS. So I looked into this, and I found that a paper on an AIDS cure had been presented to a Joint Congress on Combination Therapies in Washington, D.C., on March 14, 1991, at the First International Symposium on Combination Therapy. When I attempted to find a copy of this paper to see what it said, I found that they had all vanished or were cut out of the proceedings.We hired a private investigator, who got a personal abstract copy from one of the conference attendees. I also did a computer search and found that the only other mention of this technology was in “Outer Limits” in Longevity Magazine which appeared in the December, 1992, issue. It stated that Steven Kaali, M.D., from AlbertEinsteinCollegeof Medicine, had found a way of inhibiting AIDS in blood, but that years of testing would be required before the virus electrocuting device was ready for use. In other words, they discovered it and then tried to cover it up immediately.But a very funny thing happened. Two years later, a patent popped up. The U.S.Government Patent Office described the entire process. You can obtain Patent #5188738 in which the same Dr. Kaali describes a process which will attenuate any bacteria or virus (including AIDS/HIV), parasites and all fungi contained in the blood, rendering them ineffective from infecting a normally healthy human cell. This is in a government document! This was in 1990! Why haven’t they told the public about it?I decided if there was a sure-fire cure for AIDS, I had to find out about it.
When I looked into Dr. Kaali’s work, I decided to go ahead and fund it. We found that it worked all of the time. For two and a half years, we gave full credit for this invention to Dr. Kaali, whose name is on the patent. Then I discovered that there was a long history of this technology. We followed a trail of these patents back 107 years! We found a patent, #4665898, that cured all cancer, dated May 19, 1987. Why has this been suppressed? Why hasn’t your doctor told you about an absolutely proven, established cure for cancer? The answer is that doctors get $375,000 per patient for surgery, chemotherapy, x-ray, hospital stays, doctors and anaesthesiologists. This is the official statistic from the U.S.Department of Commerce.Unfortunately, the medical patient cured is a customer lost. A lot of people say, “Aren’t you infringing on others’ patents?” In the beginning, I was nervous, but when I found this technology had been discovered and rediscovered for 107 years, I changed my mind. Now I am broadcasting it from the rooftops.
Still, it is very touchy. It’s rocking the pharmaceutical, surgical and diagnostic industries. But I really feel that I have been called to do this. I have had people come to my door with guns. I have been threatened and chased. But I think God wants this information out. I feel it is my mission to give people back to themselves, to deliver them from these vested interests, these priesthoods that are taking everyone’s money. I am not charging a nickel. Russ Torlage has helped me with prototype units. We have given them to people to run clinical tests. That is how I got my results.”
– Dr. Robert Beck
Beck’s friend, Russ Torlage, explains how he came to make Beck’s Machine.
“My wife had chronic fatigue syndrome, and we tried everything without success. She had been a comptroller for a multimillion dollar clothing company, and she finally had to quit her job and stay at home, just trying to survive. I came across Bob at a lecture. I was absolutely intrigued by how much he had to give, not only through his knowledge, but through his kindness . I have a nuclear and electronics background, so … I recognized his information as basic and sound physical data that could be measured… So I built one of the units. Within two months of using Bob’s unit, my wife’s chronic fatigue was gone!”
– Russ Torlage
Russ Torlage and his wife now run SOTA Instruments Inc., producing these high-quality machines using Beck’s designs: the Silver Pulser, the Magnetic Pulser, the Water O3zonator, and the Bio-Tuner (not required for the Beck Protocol).
Beck’s personal testimonies.
“My personal story is that I was “90% dead” when I weighed 290 pounds (I now weigh 145 pounds). My hair had fallen out, and it has grown back; my libido was shot; my prostate was shot. Using this technology, I have taken 35 years off my chronological age (I am 72 years old), and all you have to do is see a drop of my blood and you will believe it. And there are no side effects…When the parasites are all removed from the blood, you lose weight, because the parasites are using your body. They set your appetite so that everything you eat is stored for them to have a meal.”
“Recently, Jane and I were invited to the largest alternative cancer clinic in the western hemisphere. The man in charge of the clinic told me that 87% of their terminal, not mid-stage, cancer patients, who had been given up for dead, are now healed! They have scar tissue where once they had lesions; they have clean biopsies. They are up, they are back at work. Those patients used the technology we are discussing today.”
“When the tests proved that the technology actually worked, I was called in by the Board of Directors of one of the largest hospitals in Southern California. They confronted me and told me to deny that this technology works. Why? Because their business was at stake. Did you know that the “mob” owns about 50% of the pharmaceutical houses in this country? They don’t want patients to be able to cure themselves.”
“An 80 year old attorney approached me a while back, and he said, “Bob, I was given up for dead. My cancer had metastasized. I was sent home to write my will, to get my house in order … to die. I sent my son to Radio Shack, where he bought the parts for your device for $39.00. We put the device together. I walked into the hospital three weeks later, and walked out with clean biopsies. They were stunned. I am back at my job, working 14 hours a day … I am jogging two miles a day.”
“Another person who approached me at a speaking engagement said, ” I was a dying AIDS patient. It took two attendants to lift me onto the potty. I am now back at work, and I have no symptoms.” One AIDS patient started on our program with a PCR test, which measures the number of HIV particles in a cubic centimeter of blood, with a count of 412,473 on June 9, 1995. When he finished on November 1, 1995, his count was less than 100 particles. One hundred particles is the smallest amount their instruments can read, so if the count is less than 100 particles, it is read as zero. So we can say that he had a “spontaneous remission.“(Can’t legally call it a cure)
“If I only had one of these, it could be a fluke, an accident. But I have test after test from patients replicating these same results…. We have had Alzheimer’s patients regain their memories when their brains were oxygenated using this technology. People with AIDS have never died from AIDS. They have died from opportunistic infections that have killed them because their immune systems weren’t working. There are 23 of these opportunistic infections. This technology kills all 23 of them. The AIDS patients get well; … When the immune system is restored, it can even handle cancer.”
– Dr. Robert Beck
“The blood of an AIDS patient is extraordinary to look at under a microscope. There are life forms in their blood that look like octopuses with a hundred arms, and there are things creeping around. Then we look at their blood after a few weeks, and all of these things are disappearing. Their blood returns to the natural, healthy state it was when they were born”.
– Beck’s friend, Russ Torlage