Harmful "foods" / practices are health destructive

Some of the ingredients lurking in our foods do not provide nutrition and are not beneficial to our health . . . some are downright harmful!
Some harmful ingredients are added to food to improve texture, flavor, add artificial sweetness, and/or to have an addictive effect.  It is to your benefit to be able to identify these additives, be aware of the effects they have on your body, and then make a conscious choice to avoid products containing them.
Some food ingredients may be beneficial in moderation, but are detrimental when taken to excess.  E.g. caffeine, fructose, glucose, alcohol;
“Foods” / practices that are just plain harmful
- Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs)
- “Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) and other forms of Neurotoxic Free Glutamic Acid” .     Used as a flavor enhancer, MSG can overexcite brain cells to the point of damage or death, when present in excessive amounts. In some people, it can cause blinding headaches even in small amounts
- Aspartame – “A neurotoxin”
- Splenda (Sucralose) – “Toxic organochlorine”
- Chlorinated water – “Disease-causing Disinfectant”
- Fluoridated Water -“Mega Health Fraud”
Typical processing of most oils damages / alters their fatty acids making them toxic
- Microwaved Foods -“Not so convenient for your health”
- Nano food additives
- Nano particles in cosmetics. In just about every personal care product on the market, including deodorant, soap, toothpaste, shampoo, hair conditioner, sunscreen, anti-wrinkle cream, moisturizer, foundation, face powder, lipstick, blush, eye shadow, nail polish, perfume and after-shave lotion.
“Foods” that are harmful when consumed to excess
- Too Much Caffeine -“The Jitter Drug”
- Too much sugar – “A common addiction affecting health”
- Too much fructose / High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) – “Burdens liver – Increases inflammation – Favors fat production”.  In moderation this simple sugar benefits health, but in excess (>25g fructose / day – equivalent to a few pieces of fruit/day) fructose causes metabolic syndrome – which is involved in high blood pressure, weight gain, abdominal obesity, decreased HDL, increased LDL, elevated triglycerides, elevated blood sugar, INSULIN resistance, all underlying factors in Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Fructose is approximately 50% of most sweeteners, such as:
- Sodas. A regular sized can of non-diet soda supplies 23g fructose, a super sized 63g
- Honey.  ~3g fructose in 1 teaspoon
- Agave nectar (a cleverly marketed highly refined sap, containing from 56-92% fructose, depending on manufacturer). Av. ~5g fructose in 1 teaspoon
- High-fructose corn syrup (55% fructose) – 3.7g fructose in 1 teaspoon
- Table sugar (sucrose) – ~2g fructose in 1 teaspoon
- Maple syrup – ~2.5g fructose in 1 teaspoon
- Fruit -with highest fructose grams consumed in certain fruit – Eg. raisins, mango (32g fructose) and fruit juices (E.g. Orange Juice)