Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy - An extremely effective / safe electrotherapy for many health problems

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What is PEMF therapy?

PEMF therapy provides a pulsed (non-sinusoidal, rapidly-changing) electromagnetic field at effective field strengths and frequencies, which can have therapeutic effects when introduced into the body.  PEMF therapy can directly cure specific problems or diseases and / or boost our immune system’s ability to deal with the problem and restore normality (homeostasis).

GENERAL therapeutic effects of PEMF therapy

  • Detoxification
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Wellness / Healthy aging
  • Better sleep
  • Pain relief
  • Restores immune system function
  • More energy
  • Stress reduction
  • Accelerates tissue / bone / scar healing


  • Cancer
  • Type II diabetes
  • Reproductive / Urinary conditions
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Gastro-intestinal conditions
  • Injuries / Muscle sprains / Back pain
  • Neurological problems
  • Bacterial / viral / fungal infection
  • Bone / Joint disorders (E.g. sciatica, bone fractures, herniated disc)
  • Trauma / Wound healing
  • Skin conditions E.g. shingles, acne
  • Vascular problems E.g. varicose veins
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis
  • Depression, anxiety, stress
  • Fibromyalgia
  • +++ More detailed list: Successful Applications of PEMF Therapy

PEMF therapy accomplishes its positive effects by promoting various functional changes in the body – namely:

  • Normalizes the cellular transmembrane potential (TMP or cell “battery” voltage)
  • Decreases pain and inflammation
  • Increases blood oxygen levels and improves circulation
  • Improves cellular energy (ATP) production
  • Increases vessel-dilatory NITRIC OXIDE production
  • Restores immune system function
  • Deactivates microorganisms.  
  • Promotes tissue repair / healing
  • Deactivates /destroys Cancer Cells
  • Increases cellular pH (alkalizes)

In  detail:    Healing effects of  PEMF therapy in the body

How is PEMF therapy applied to the body?

PEMFs demonstrating therapeutic bioelectric phenomena are applied to the body by one of two basic types of non-invasive methods.

(1) By direct skin contact (via capacitative coupling) E.g using SOTA SIlver Pulser

Opposing electrodes are placed in DIRECT CONTACT with the skin  to access and purify the blood of bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites, reduce clumping of red bloods cells and other healing effects of PEMF  – E.g. the SOTA Silver Pulser electrodes are placed on pulse points on the wrist (where the blood flows near the surface of the body) to apply a pulsed 3-5 milliamp current that overcomes skin resistance and induces a minute therapeutic microamp current in the blood. (technically called capacitative coupling, where a voltage or current in one circuit induces a current in another circuit). The current produced in the blood after overcoming resistance to skin and tissue, is usually 50-100 microamps (µA), which works with the similar level of tiny currents flowing in the many conductive pathways of a healthy body (includes nerve fibers, blood vessels (blood serum is electrically conductive), and the extracellular fluid bathing the cells). For comparison, the average output from an  FDA approved TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) unit is much higher at ~20 mA, which purpose is to desensitize nerve pain by stimulating nerve action (possibly by enhancing endorphin production, which may depend on frequency used).  Beck Protocol Handbook

(1) Without skin contact (via inductive coupling) E.g using SOTA Magnetic Pulser, iMRS 2000, or Bemer 3000

PEMF induces an electric field, which produces a microamp electric current which can reach into body tissues and organs without direct skin contact .  This is the more common application. A current is induced in body tissues or organs at a distance from an electric coil or loop via electromagnetic induction. (technically called inductive coupling). E.g. PEMF’s of sufficient field strength can penetrate bones, muscles, tendons, kidneys, liver, speen, lymph and blood vessels in the vicinity of the applied field to achieve all the healing effects of PEMF, including decreasing pain and inflammation.

 Electromagnetic induction – occurs when a changing magnetic field intersects a conductor in a closed circuit, it generates a current in the conductor; this is the basic principle on which all rotary electric generators and alternators operate.

There are several different application methods for applying PEMF therapy without skin contact, including:

Full body mat

  • A full body mat allows you to relax during therapy.    An encouragement for regular sessions. You can leave your clothes on 🙂 .
  • Field needs to switch polarity about every 2 minutes.   Prevents the body becoming immune to just one polarity.
  • Mats generally have low-field-strength intensity  They can reach blood circulating adjacent to mat and penetrate a few inches into body tissues,
  • Treatment session length.    Treatment times on a PEMF therapy full body mat are typically less than 10 mins twice / day.

Body mat with separate electric coils (usually have 6-8 electric coils).  E.g.  iMRS 2000, BEMER 3000,

  • Separate coils should be located at head / neck, torso / hips and legs / feet with EM field strengths increasing from the head towards the feet (Lower field strength coils have a lower number of wire turns). The head is sensitive, but the feet are tolerant of higher field strengths, since they are usually closer to the ground where the earth’s geomagnetic field is greater. 
  • Mat coils are better when made of tightly wound copper.

Body mat with current loop.   E.g. Medithera, QRS Quantron.

  •   Ideally, loop needs to be circular to emit a non-distorted EMF, but usually, the loops available are non-circular. A current loop provides only one intensity.  Medithera and QRS Quantron have a single, plastic-covered, oval current loop on their mats. However, this yields the same field strength from head to feet, limiting the electromagnetic field strength to what the head can tolerate. Also the magnetic field is non-uniforn – being stronger in the center of the loop. 

Wands, probes or pads

  • Usually have one or two coils
  • Have higher electromagnetic field strengths and penetration than a full body mat.   This allows deeper penetration into body tissues and the ability to focus therapy on specific areas of need.   E.g. the SOTA Magnetic Pulser  MP7 wand can penetrate up to 14 inches into body with its 7 gauss field strength).

Treatment duration times

Longer term exposures to PEMFs are associated with more successful results. (Persinger, 1974)

Treatment times can vary from ~20 mins to up to 10 hours / day.   Depending on condition being treated and parameters being used.

Safe and effective

More than 10,000 scientific papers have been published about the effective health benefits of PEMFs on the human body.    Research on the effectiveness of PEMF therapy has been conducted worldwide for over 4 decades – initiated in Russia and Eastern Europe, the research proves routine neurological, physiological (relating to body functions), hormonal and psychological benefits, where pulse rate (Hz), electric field strength / intensity (Gauss or Tesla) and treatment duration are within certain guidelines.

PEMF THERAPY INDICATES ABSOLUTELY NO ADVERSE REACTIONS and NO ADVERSE AFFECTS ON NORMAL, HEALTHY CELLS.  Vodovnik L, et al. Modified cell proliferation due to electrical currents

PEMF therapy yields results without invasive procedures or risk of infection or side effects.    PEMF therapy has proven capable of equal or better results than conventional therapies and invasive procedures.

Criteria for choosing an effective device for PEMF therapy

How to choose a device for effective PEMF therapy


Persinger MA (1974), ELF electric and magnetic field effects: ELF Electric and Magnetic Field Effects: The Patterns and the Problems. p. 275. Link

Chronic low-level inflammation

- The Medical kit of the future


  • Detoxifies
  • Boosts immune system / cellular energy
  • Anti-inflammatory / Pain-relief
  • Aids sleep / Reduces stress
  • Accelerates healing of tissue, bone, muscles, scars
  • Improves circulation +++

Successful electrotherapies:

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy

Near Infrared (NIR) class 4 laser therapy

Rife therapy

Ozone therapy

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