Successful applications of pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy

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Consolidated from numerous papers and studies, this information is not meant to be comprehensive, but rather a stepping stone for further research. PEMF therapy has been FOUND EFFECTIVE in almost all acute and chronic diseases, however:

PEMF therapy is much less effective for those who are even moderately dehydrated or lacking in electrolyte minerals.    PEMF therapy produces hydrogen atoms for ATP production by the electrolysis of water, and charged minerals set up the membrane “battery”, powering on-going current flow.
BONE and JOINT Disorders / STRONG BONES | JOINTS, CARTILAGE: PEMF therapy corrects metabolic activity in the cells of the connective tissue around the diseased joint. (Therapy reduces hydroxyproline, hexosamine, creatinine, uronic acid etc, found in abnormally increased amounts in the urine of these patients). PEMF therapy reduces pain / swelling of the joint, and so increases its mobility. OSTEO- and RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, CERVICAL SPONDYLOSIS (chronic degeneration of neck bones/disks), LOW BACK PAIN (including disc displacement / degeneration), OSTEOMYELITIS (bone/marrow infection) and ARTHRITIS Neumann V. Electrotherapy. Br J Rheumatol 1993; 32:1-3 SPEEDY FRACTURE HEALING: PEMF therapy reduces time for union of fractured bones by 50%, especially in fractures that do not heal spontaneously; E. Fukuda and I. Yasuda discovered that mechanically stressed bone produces a small negative electrical direct current that stimulates bone production.  Fukada and Yasuda, 1957. PEMF therapy heals / repairs bones Researcher, Dr. Robert O. Becker, showed that endogenous electrical currents in the body both initiate and control the body’s system used to regulate healing in bone and other tissues. Becker RA, Marino AA. Electromagnetism and Life 1982.  Bassett et al, 1962.  PEMF therapy causes a calcium increase in the cell’s cytosol.Madronero showed that bone healing was promoted by means of the influence of the magnetic field on the crystal formation of calcium salts.alts. Madronero A. 1990. Bone growth responds mostly to the electrical field component of PEMF therapy.  Rubin et al,. 1990 PEMF therapy heals / repairs bones CARTILAGE REGENERATION and OSTEOPOROSIS | Osteoarthritis:Low freq.15 mins / day, 15 days or 3-5 times /week, 1 month Arthritis: A typical treatment might be 30 minutes per day, 15-20 days. Non-union fractures (i.e. fractures that have not healed 6-9 months after injury): requires PEMF therapy for 3-10 hours / day over 3-6 months (90% healing rate). Will not repair if fracture gap >half bone diameter ![]() |
BRAIN and MIND Disorders /STRESS | The brain’s efficiency and mental capacity depends upon the efficient electrical activity of its cells and production of chemical neurotransmitters (facilitate communication between neurons). Too much DOPAMINE can make you hyperactive, too little results in uncoordinated limb movement (eg. Parkinson’s). Less ACETYLCHOLINE in the brain is seen in dementia especially the type found in Alzheimer’s disease. Appropriate PEMFs induce a current through the skull to stimulate brain cells, correcting neurotransmitter imbalances and restoring electrical efficiency in the brain’s neurons. PEMF therapy can be used for BRAIN DISORDERS – such as DEPRESSION, AGGRESSION, ANXIETY, STRESS (PEMF therapy handles stress symptoms), PARKINSON’s, EPILEPSY, INSOMNIA, MIGRAINE, STROKE, ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE, DEMENTIA, OTHER DEGENERATIVE CONDITIONS OF BRAIN. In children: CEREBRAL PALSY, MENTAL RETARDATION, HYPERACTIVITY, LEARNING DISABILITIES etc. | Brain related problems: Best treated by applying therapeutic PEMFs to the acupuncture points behind the ears, called Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) Eg. Using the SOTA “Bio-tuner” (provides “bundles”of appropriate frequencies) |
BRONCHIAL ASTHMA | PEMF therapy OPENS AIRWAYS.   Obstruction in the bronchioles is reduced gradually by liquefying the sputum and facilitating its spontaneous ejection. The anti-inflammatory action of PEMF therapy helps increase the space inside the bronchioles allowing free air movement. In those patients who have undergone this treatment the Forced Vital Capacity, Forced Expiratory Volume and Peak Expiratory Flow Rate of the lung has been found increased by 27%, 33% and 40% respectively. At the end of treatment there was no wheezing and dyspnea (shortness of breath) in almost all cases. Other respiratory conditions in which PEMF treatment is effective are: COMMON COLD, TONSILLITIS, SINUSITIS, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, BRONCHIECTASIS etc. | Bronchitis: 20mins/day, 15 days |
CANCER | PEMF therapy BOOSTS IMMUNE SYSTEM to enable it to deal with existing cancer cells. PEMF therapy applied to blood and tissues results in boosted immune system function as a result of deactivating microbes, increasing cell membrane potentials, preventing blood cell aggregation, increasing oxygen and nutrient delivery to cells and increasing immune cell “fighter” proteins. A revitalized and empowered immune system is able to remove cancer cells. PEMF therapy can INHIBIT CELL DIVISION (mitosis) in a would-be cancer cell. In any living cell, the cell transmembrane potential (its “cell battery” voltage) falling critically lower than that of healthy cells will trigger mitosis (i.e. the cell divides into 2 identical copies). Electrotherapy can raise a less-than-healthy, would-be cancer cell’s “cell battery” voltage above the critical mitosis-trigger level. | |
CARDIOVASCULAR | HEART ATTACK PREVENTION.  PEMF therapy prevents coronary artery blockage, which could affect blood supply to heart. BLOOD CHOLESTEROL REDUCED. PEMF therapy used by hypertensives | Arteriosclerosis / atherosclerosis: Low freq. 15 mins/day, 15 daysLower blood pressure / Lower cholesterol:Daily use 4-6 weeks |
DIABETES MELLITUS | DIABETIC BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL SLOWLY REDUCES. To a near normal or normal stage when treated with PEMF therapy. This reduction is mostly because of increased metabolism of glucose in the tissues and an increase in the production of INSULIN in the pancreas and its utilization at the receptor level. | Balance blood sugar:Daily use 4-6 weeks |
HAIR LOSS | PEMF therapy administered to the head prevented hair loss and promoted re-growth. | 12 minutes twice per week, for 36 weeks |
INJURIES (Muscles and Connective Tissue) | SPRAINS, PHYSICAL WORKOUT ACHES/PAINS, CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME.  PEMF therapy reduces inflammation, edema and swelling, increases range of motion, strength, and muscle relaxation. PEMF therapy especially useful in SOFT TISSUE INJURIES involving connective tissue and muscles. Pilla, 1999. Accelerated healing of LIGAMENT / TENDON INJURIES – Enhances cell multiplication in connective tissue and speeds formation of new collagen in injured tendons. Stanish,(1985) | Ankle sprain: 2×30 min sessions / day until cured (~2-3 days) |
NEUROLOGICAL | Positive effects on irritation due to NEURITISÂ (nerve inflammation)Â and on PHNÂ (post-herpetic neuralgia, a painful condition following shingles). | |
PAIN and INFLAMMATION | PEMF therapy is best known for its PAIN CONTROL, especially in soft tissue injuries. E.g. SPRAINS, WOUNDS, POST-SURGICAL SCAR PAIN. Pilla, A.A. 1999. FIBROMYALGIA: PEMF therapy is the answer to your prayers! ACUTE INFLAMMATORY DISEASES of the LARYNX.SCIATICA. PEMF therapy relieves sciatica by reducing inflammation, rebuilding cartilage, repairing scar tissue /muscle strains, reducing tumors and regenerating nerves.   Perjes, et al., 1987, Aaron et al,, 1993 CHRONIC HEADACHE -~60% success rate (for tension, cervical and migraine). TMJ SYNDROME, NEUROPATHIES, ARTHRITIS, BURSITIS, TENDONITIS, POST EXERCISE MUSCLE SORENESS PREVENTION (works for most people, apply 20 mins). Adjunctive therapy in: EARACHES, SORE THROAT, TOOTHACHE, SINUS CONGESTION, PHN, SKIN ULCERS, CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME (and other compression neuropathies), POST STROKE SPASTICITY FAILED BACK SYNDROME  North et al, 1991; LeDoux et al, 1993 RAYNAUD’S PHENOMENON Wollersheim et al, 1993. TINNITUS Engleberg et al, 1985  Marion et al, 1991 POST-ANESTHESIA EMESIS (Vomiting) Ho et al, 1990 DENTAL ANAESTHESIA Crawford, 1991. INFLAMMATION. Damaged cells have reduced membrane potentials causing sodium ions to enter the cell, and negative trace elements, protein and liquid to leave the cell. Extra liquid in the interstitial area causes swelling or edema. PEMF therapy accelerates the restoration of normal membrane potentials, thus aiding healing of most wounds and reducing swelling faster. | Acute inflammatory disease of larynx: use sound freq. Headache: apply to head < 1 hr Chronic headache (incl. migraine): Apply to head or inner thighs 20 mins/day, 15 days. Effective Freqs. – Base pulse of 100 Hz or 200Hz, with pulse rate 5-25HZLow freq. pulses (50Hz base), gradually increased to 25 pulses /sec for 10 minutes, condition the damaged tissue to aid the natural healing process. |
REPRODUCTIVE / URINARY Conditions | In females: MENSTRUATION IRREGULARITIES, STERILITY, ENDOMETRITIS, ENDOMETRIOSIS etc. In males: ORCHITIS (testicular inflammation), PROSTATITIS (prostate inflammation), OLIGOSPERMIA (low sperm count) | |
SLEEP | ||
SKIN DISEASES /CONDITIONS /Healing /Scars | CHRONIC ULCERS and DELAYED WOUND HEALING.  PEMF therapy yields better results than any other mode of treatment. ECZEMA, NEURODERMATITIS, BURNS, PSORIASIS (60% success), BEDSORES, ATROPHIC DERMATITIS (most common, severe and chronic form of eczema). SURGICAL WOUNDSSCARS. PEMF therapy converts fibroblast cells maintaining scar tissue into embryonic- looking cells, which apparently can convert into the cell type needed to convert the damaged tissue region into normal healthy tissue. This is important for tissue regeneration and repair. | |
TRAUMA | DAMAGE REPAIR.  PEMF therapy remarkably effective in healing, regenerating and revitalizing cells damaged by trauma. CELL PROLIFERATION. PEMF therapy lowers the cell’s battery voltage to encourage growth of new cells. When a bodily injury occurs, the damaged cells have a lower than normal cell “battery voltage”. This is a trigger to proliferate more cells to replace the destroyed and damaged cells with either new cells or scar tissue. After the repair is completed the “battery voltage” of the injured cells return to normal, and the cell proliferation stops. Two case histories INCREASES BLOOD FLOW.  When circulation has been impaired by crushed or severed blood vessels or by inflammation and swelling that compress capillaries, PEMF therapy increases the blood circulation around damaged tissue, and increases nutrient supplies to aid cell repair. | |
VASCULAR | Excellent results for PHLEBITIS (inflammation of the vein, usually in the legs); ENDARTERITIS, VARICOSE VEINS, ULCERATED VARICOSE VEINS (90% react positively); POOR CIRCULATION OF LOWER LIMBS responds well to PEMF therapy | Varicose veins / Chronic venous insufficiency: 15-20 mins. /day, 20 days |
VIRUSES | HIV, HEPATITIS: repeated experiments have shown that when HIV infected blood is treated in vitro with 50 – 100 microamperes of current, it appears to be virtually free of these viruses. |
Effective frequencies for PEMF therapy
Pulsed low, mid, and high frequency AC signals applied to the body can produce therapeutic EMFs.   In addition, a certain type of PEMF, having attendant scalar waves*, has the ability to promote bone, tissue and nerve regeneration.
The frequencies 0-10 Hz (Earth’s Schumann frequency range), 27.5 Hz, 55 Hz, 110 Hz, 220 Hz, 440 Hz and 880 Hz are said to be extremely effective – One can’t help but wonder what health benefits may have been reaped, if 55 Hz, instead of 50 Hz or 60 Hz, had been chosen as the power supply frequency on either side of the Atlantic.
Studies show that:
- 2 Hz stimulates nerve regeneration
- 5 Hz causes vasoconstriction
- 7 Hz stimulates bone growth
- 10 Hz stimulates ligament healing
- 10 Hz and above stimulates vasodilation
SOTA’s Magnetic Pulser and Silver Pulser use a frequency of 3.92 Hz (a sub-harmonic frequency of the Earth’s Schumann frequency). This generates its multiple harmonic frequencies into the ultrasound range. PEMF therapy sessions are usually repeated after 2-3 months.
*Scalar waves –Â can be compared to putting a paddlewheel into a river. The energy acquired is free, since the river is flowing there, whether we tap it or not. The special attributes of scalar waves were first described mathematically by James Clerk Maxwell in 1873, and later by Nikola Tesla.
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Crawford PR. (1991) Electronic dental anesthesia. J Can Dent Assoc; 57(6);497-9.
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