Trust in God - “The ultimate source of energy!”

Your relationships are reflected in your health

A personal relationship with Christ

Jesus paid a debt He did not owe for those who owed a debt they could not pay.

Knowing Christ brings peace in this chaotic world and provides assurance of joyfully spending eternity with Him.  The bible tells us that we are all sinners and that the cost of sin is that when we die, that will be it for us! However, Christ wants us to live on with Him after we leave this earth, so much so that He was willing to pay the heavy debt of our sin – – – if we will just accept God’s debt-payment plan.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

 – John 3:16

A good relationship with others

Unresolved tensions with people hurt us, usually more than them!

Love, hands-on healing / Spiritual healing and prayer deliver therapeutic energy

Love is a form of energy

Giving it energizes others, receiving it energizes us.  God’s gifts to us are His expression of love.   They should be received with an “Attitude of gratitude”, such that we not become proud or have foolish or dark thoughts, or else, forget God altogether: >11Be “careful that you do not forget the Lord your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day. 12Otherwise, when you eat and are satisfied, when you build fine houses and settle down, 13and when your herds and flocks grow large and your silver and gold increase and all you have is multiplied, 14then your heart will become proud and you will forget the Lord your God, . . . “

We should realize our blessings while they are still there.   E.g. indoor toilets, running/hot water, electricity, vehicles, air-conditioning, variety of foods. The result of thanklessness is depravity, envy, greed, murder, deceit, sexual perversion: 21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.

– Romans 1:21 (NIV)

Hands-on-healing / spiritual healing

  • Jesus is the best-known, hands-on-healer.   Energy is transferred from God (or a person who can channel God’s or their own energy), to the person being treated. Reiki is one form of hands-on-healing. The therapeutic “Schumann resonance” fields are produced by hands-on practitioners.


(1)   1980’s study measured fields produced by a therapeutic-touch practitioner during a healing session in a magnetically shielded room.   Dr. John Zimmerman used a SQUID detector, designed to study human biomagnetic fields to measure the biomagnetic field emanating from the practitioner’s hand. The field was found to pulse at a variable frequency, ranging from .3 to 30 Hz, with most of the activity in the Schumann frequency range of 7-8 Hz. 

(2)   A study by Seto in Japan confirmed that a large biomagnetic field emanates from the hands of practitioners of a variety of healing and martial arts techniques – including QiGong, yoga, meditation, Zen, etc. The EMF, measured using a magnetometer with an amplifier, had a strength of about 2-4 milligauss (~ 1000 times stronger than the strongest human biomagnetic fields (from the heart), and ~ 1,000,000 times stronger than the fields produced by the brain). Similar to the Zimmerman study, the biomagnetic field also pulsed with a variable frequency centered around 4-10 Hz. [Seto et al,1992]

(3)   Healer’s brain wave activity during healing moments sync with earth’s frequency.    Robert C. Beck used EEG recordings to study brain wave activity in healers around the world: psychics, shamans, faith healers, etc. While healing, they all produced similar brain wave patterns and registered brain wave activity averaging ~ 7.8-8.0 Hz. In additional studies, Beck found that during healing moments the healers’brain waves became phase and frequency synchronized with the earth’s frequency – i.e. The Schumann resonance.


 Prayer delivers God’s energy where it is needed. Also, asking God to bless our food or drink in prayer, not only shows our appreciation, but also introduces God’s vibrational energy into them, actually increasing their nutritional value.

Water structure changes in response to positive or negative thoughts.   Dr. Masaru Emoto researched how vibrational energy affects the molecular structure of water. Using high-speed photography, Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward them. When negative words were absorbed by the water, the structure distorted and changed dramatically. And, when positive words were used, the water created beautiful, symmetrical patterns.

Studies on effect of spirituality

Researchers in Virginia who conducted an analysis of 16 studies on illness and “religious intervention” (praying or attending religious services), found that spirituality can:

  • Decrease the length of hospital stays and fever in patients with severe infections
  • Increase immune function
  • Help relieve rheumatoid arthritis symptoms
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Improve outcomes in people with heart disease

Basak et al, 2005

Bible references to health

Generosity - An inspirational story in 1988, Forbes magazine

 Chuck Feeney, cofounder of “Duty Free Shoppers”, was listed as the 23rd richest American. This man lived frugally, didn’t own a house or a car, flew economy class, and wore a $15 watch! However, it now turns out he had spent much of his life secretly giving away his money to various charities and causes. Later in his mid-70’s, he explained the reason for his philanthropy: 

“. . . You should use your wealth to help people”, since “There are no pockets in a shroud!”   

Money can buy:

  • A house, but not a home
  • A bed, but not sleep
  • A wedding ring, but not love
  • A clock, but not time
  • An education, but not wisdom
  • Jewelry, but not beauty
  • Insurance, but not safety
  • A crucifix, but not a Savior


Seto et al (1992) Detection of extraordinary large bio-magnetic field strength from human hand during external Qi emission. Acupunct Electrotherapy Res Link 

Basak Coruh, Hana Ayele, Meredith Pugh, Thomas Mulligan. Does religious activity improve health outcomes? A critical review of the recent literature. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing Volume 1, Issue 3, Pages 186-191, May 2005 Mendeley Link

Chronic low-level inflammation

- The Medical kit of the future


  • Detoxifies
  • Boosts immune system / cellular energy
  • Anti-inflammatory / Pain-relief
  • Aids sleep / Reduces stress
  • Accelerates healing of tissue, bone, muscles, scars
  • Improves circulation +++

Successful electrotherapies:

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy

Near Infrared (NIR) class 4 laser therapy

Rife therapy

Ozone therapy

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Trust in God

Trust in God

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