What causes our bodies to become over-acidified?

(1) Metabolic acidosis

Possible causes of metabolic acidosis:

  • Ingestion of highly acidic foods
  • Production of excessive amounts of acid (H+ ions) in the body
  • A deficiency of buffering alkaline minerals – metabolic imbalances require chemical buffering in the blood plasma, lymph, and intra/extracellular fluids.
  • Body processes. These tend to produce acid as an end-product. Most H+ ions originate from cellular metabolism:
    • Breakdown of sulfur-containing proteins (E.g. muscles) – releases sulfuric acid into the extracellular fluid (ECF);
    • Anaerobic respiration of glucose.   Produces lactic acid (E.g. cancer cells);can be caused by lack of physical activity, which leads to a lack of oxygen through insufficient muscular circulation, activating anaerobic metabolism;
    • Fat metabolism – yields organic acids and ketone bodies; dieting or fasting increases fat metabolism as a source of energy;
    • Transporting carbon dioxide – as bicarbonate releases H+ ions

Diet is probably the main contributor to the body’s acid levels today.

When foods are broken down, they leave certain chemical /metallic residues (sometimes called a noncombustible “ash”), which when combined with body fluids, yields either acid or alkaline solutions. Some foods are “acid-forming” and some are “alkaline-forming.”

  • Acid-forming foods.  E.g. protein, sodas, sugar, grains, caffeine, dairy, processed foods

Should be Balanced With

  • Alkaline mineral-containing fruits and vegetables.  Contrary to what you might expect, citrus fruits and apple cider vinegar actually alkalize the body because they contain alkalizing minerals. The general recommendation is to consume about 75% alkaline-forming foods and 25% acid-forming foods.

Acid/Alkaline Food Charts

Major Dietary Causes of Acidosis
  • Under / imbalanced consumption of alkalizing minerals.    Western diets tend to contain too much calcium (from consuming too many dairy products or Calcium supplements) and sodium (in prepared foods loaded with salt), and insufficient magnesium and potassium (that would come from eating fruits and vegetables). A diet based on fruits and vegetables, grains and legumes, with a small amount of dairy, would give the body all four of the alkaline minerals in better balance.
  • Over-consumption of protein (often the MAIN cause of acidosis).   After proteins are broken down in the body, they leave an “acid ash”, such as the negatively charged ions SO42-(sulfate), PO43-(phosphate), NO3(nitrate), all part of strong acids (sulfuric, phosphoric and nitric acids). Alkaline bicarbonates of sodium, potassium, calcium or magnesium are used to buffer these acids (The kidneys try to increase the pH by the exchange of hydrogen ions for sodium ions. When acid and alkaline molecules combine they form neutral, bicarbonate salts, which are able to pass through the blood stream to be eliminated through the kidneys, without affecting blood plasma pH.)

We need 1½- 3 oz. of daily protein (Examples of protein content in foods: 3oz. cooked cod = ¾oz. ; 3oz. cooked beef sirloin/no fat = ~ 1oz; 1 lg. fried egg = ¼oz), yet the average American diet contains up to 7 oz. of protein. >Today’s average protein-rich, Western diet overloads the body with a daily acid excess of 50-100 mmol.

  • High sugar consumption.   Provides the “favorite”meal for bacteria and yeast, promoting their uncontrollable growth and multiplication. The immune system uses its precious oxygen supplies in an attempt to eliminate these “invaders”and their toxic waste products, again creating an even more acidic environment -a vicious circle made worse by too much dietary sugar;
  • Drinking too many sodas.   So called “soft” drinks, which often contain phosphoric acid and a lot of sugar;

Drugs and lifestyle habits add to the acidic load.

Extensive use of many drugs E.g antibiotics and steroids (cortisone) and pollution alter pH; Breathing polluted air; Drinking contaminated water.

Turbulent emotions / thoughts.   Emotional stress, such as being angry, worrying, feeling hateful, lack of spirituality, all make the body more acidic.

Lifestyle habits.   Hectic living, physical / mental stress, lack of exercise, trauma – all induce acidity; “Acid” rock music – ever wondered why they call it that? 🙂

(2) Respiratory acidosis

Respiratory acidosis results from failure to exhale carbon dioxide from the lungs as quickly as it forms in respiring tissues .   Carbon dioxide accumulates in the blood plasma and tissues, where it forms carbonic acids.

(3) Acidosis due to kidney or liver disease

Kidney or liver impairment can impede the natural excretion of excess acids

Chronic low-level inflammation

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Successful electrotherapies:

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy Near Infrared (NIR) class 4 laser therapy
Rife therapy
Ozone therapy
