The Beck Protocol - Whole body detox and an effective DIY electromedicine for healing common health problems

The Beck Protocol applies electromedicine as an extremely effective therapy to detoxify the body and energize the body’s cells, with successful healing for many health problems, including cancer
* IMPORTANT * – Re: SOTA instruments Please read this disclaimer
“You can do it yourself, and it is cheap. You will never have a cold again. You will never miss work again. This is the best investment that you can make in your health. It is taking back your power from the doctors and the pharmaceutical houses who have had it for generations…It will work. Not maybe.”
– Dr. Robert Beck
Who is Dr. Beck ?
Dr. Robert C. Beck (D.Sc.) was a highly respected research physicist.   He held a D.Sc. in physics from the University of Southern California, was a professor at the University of California. and was a consultant to the US Navy. He invented and held a patent on the camera flash bulb. In the early 1980’s, his research focused on the brain and altered states of consciousness, resulting in his John Fitzer Foundation award-winning design of a brain “tuner” to apply Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES), which is used successfully to alleviate insomnia, depression, anxiety and addictions.
In 1991, Beck read of research at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in NY city, which found that applying a microcurrent to the AIDS virus prevented it from infecting lab-cultured human white blood cells.  In 1993, a patent was approved for using microcurrents to sterilize blood for transfusions, destroying almost all viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi instantly. Pharmaceutical companies protected their profits by “keeping a lid” on this discovery by controlling the media. Feeling that this finding should be made available to all, Dr. Beck set about developing tools to produce microcurrents that could be applied to the body by anyone to improve their health.
Beck determined that the details of his powerful protocol should be made available to all mankind – and not just to those who could profit from it or suppress it, and so provided free online access to all the information on his health-restoring protocol, including schematics of the tools required. He also spent his later years giving lectures enlightening people about this therapeutic protocol. Later, a friend of Beck’s started SOTA instruments of Canada, further improving on Beck’s designs and producing versions of his devices, which are now readily available online with continuing upgrades as the SOTA “Silver Pulser” and “Magnetic pulser”.
In more detail:Â The Beck story, interview and testimonies
What is the Beck Protocol ?
The Beck Protocol comprises 4 tool-assisted steps (all painless) – which utilize pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy and bioxidative therapy to very effectively:
- Detoxify the body of pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa) and toxins;
- Energize the body’s cells;
- Fully restore immune system function – which can then destroy cancer cells.
The Beck Protocol is effective against an array of health problems (Beck personally helped many AIDS patients and others)
AIDS/HIV | Meningitis | Epstein-barre virus |
Alzheimer’s | Influenza | Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) |
Fibromyalgia | Hepatitis | Crohn’s disease |
Arthritis | M.S. | Most HEART DISEASE |
Malaria | Cholera | Yellow fever |
Tuberculosis | Lupus | IBS |
Lyme’s disease | Schizophrenia | Obsessive compulsive disorder |
Ulcers | Cancer | Â |
The four steps are:
- Blood Purification – E.g. using SOTA Silver Pulser
- Lymph, Spleen, Liver & Kidneys Detoxification – E.g. using SOTA Magnetic Pulser
- Drinking Ionic Colloidal Silver – E.g. made using SOTA Silver Pulser
- Drinking ozonated water (or alternative “Active Oxygen”Therapy) – E.g. using SOTA water O3zonator
The 4 Steps of the Beck Protocol
Anyone young or old can use the Beck Protocol.  The main exceptions are if you are pregnant or have an implanted device.
The Silver Pulser and Magnetic Pulser create no discomfort when used as directed.  The user will know that the Silver Pulser is working when very slight pulsations are detected at the contact points on the skin. The user hears the quiet beeps of the Magnetic Pulser, but does not feel them.
The protocol demonstrates no harmful side effects on healthy blood cells or tissue
- The Silver Pulser delivers AC micro-current pulses which are 1000 times less than the current used in FDA approved TENS units and about the same as pacemakers – output voltage -31V and +31V, bi-phasic (square wave) at ~3.92 Hertz +/- 1 Hz,output current at copper probes max. 12mA to produce 50-100uA in blood;
- The Magnetic Pulser MP7 delivers only momentary pulses of a magnetic strength that is much lower than an MRI (Magnetic Nuclear Resonance Imaging), routinely used in hospitals – Regular Mode: 7,000 gauss at face of paddle, 4.75mS pulse duration, pulse rise time <1uS, pulses every 4 seconds
Cleansing Reactions (called ” The Herxheimer’s Syndrome“).   Can occur as your system deals with expelling toxins and millions of dead / dying microbes and cancer cells, if present. Immobilized viruses, bacteria, toxins etc. may be expelled through the kidneys, liver, bowel and skin, however if the amount of “die-off” overwhelms these channels of elimination, several symptoms can be experienced. These include:
Cleansing reactions will be noticed in the form of:
- Headaches
- Rashes
- Fever /flu-like symptoms
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Restlessness
- Insomnia
- Frequent urination
- Dizziness
- Dulled speech
- Copious production of fecal matter (expect to lose weight).
For comfort, one needs to determine their own treatment pace according to how they feel afterward. For heavier infections, reduce treatment times.
Drinking lots of water (especially ozonated water) helps with the elimination process. Beck felt that by using ozonated water along with his other 3 steps, universal detoxification is accomplished, without the need for colonics, heat, hot tubs, exercise, liver and kidney flushing, herbs or other modalities.
Use caution with impaired kidney / liver function.
Blood electrification causes enhanced cellular absorption.  Some ingested substances may become toxic at a magnified level, therefore it is advisable to minimize herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements and to discontinue all drugs, alcohol, nicotine, laxatives and pharmaceuticals during treatment period. Alternatively, minimize their use and take them immediately following treatment (Gives them 22 hours time to leave your blood before the next treatment).
Ionic colloidal silver and silver poisoning discussed.  The Silver Pulser uses low voltage electrolysis to make colloidal silver. This method creates mainly silver ions, which by nature are sub-micron sized, and a few very small silver particles, so small they can NOT cause silver poisoning (called argyria – causes skin to have a permanent blue pigment).
SOTA devices

Silver Pulser used as blood purifier
AC micro-current pulses, producing broadband ultrasound and other therapeutic phenomenon, are delivered via two cotton-covered electrodes placed over the arteries of normally circulating blood, at the pulse points on the wrist, where the arteries are closer to the surface. Lightweight and portable, its main unit attaches to the upper arm, so you can use it at home while watching TV or puttering around the house or garden. The machine is normally powered by a 9-volt battery, but can also be powered by a 12V car battery (needs adapter cord which plugs into cigarette lighter receptacle and has a centre positive, 2.1mm plug), or solar panels.
The Silver Pulser is also used to make ionic colloidal silver
This can be made at home for pennies per gallon. Fine silver electrodes (99.99% pure) placed in a holder, are immersed into distilled water and a constant micro-current passed across the electrodes for a few hours. An optional transformer/adapter is recommended for this process.
Magnetic Pulser

Micro-computer controlled functions, produce Beck’s specified high-intensity, time-varying, magnetic impulse, which produces broad-band ultrasound and causes micro-currents to occur deep within body tissue.(It does not emit detrimental electromagnetic radiation). The flat circular end of this 10″ lollipop-shaped device is placed on or over the designated areas (over clothes is fine) pulsing for a total of 20-30 minutes / day. Powered by a provided wall adapter, or in an emergency, by a 12V car battery or solar panels.
Water O3zonator

This corona discharge ozone generator is used to ozonate water – Ozone will sterilize and oxygenate water. Beck advised drinking 2 – 3 glasses of ozonated water a day to neutralize pathogens, oxidize wastes produced from electrification machines and to put the all important oxygen into your body’s cells. Oxygen combines with waste for the body to carry it out. Also, efficient production of cellular energy requires oxygen. The oxygenation level of your blood can be measured with a pulse oxymeter placed on the finger – You may start at 93-95% oxygenation (low), and 2-3 minutes after drinking this water, your oxygen level will measure 100% and feel enlivened.
The Water O3zonator is powered by a provided 12V wall adaptor, or in an emergency, by a 12V car battery (needs adapter cord which plugs into cigarette lighter receptacle and has a centre positive, 2.1mm plug). It takes < 2 minutes to make an 8oz. glass of ozonated, chilled water (concentration is 3.6 mg/l at an ozone output of 0.5 LPM). An independent lab test shows virtually zero nitrogen oxides in ozone output (i.e. oxygen concentration of the air input produces almost pure oxygen). Included with unit are: International AC-DC wall adapter; durable 90 micron pore ceramic air-stone; and ozone-resistant silicone tubing.
If not using the Water O3zonator, then some other form of biooxidative / oxygen therapy is recommended.  In addition to neutralizing “invaders“, this promotes delivery of oxygen into the cells, thus increasing cellular energy production. Examples of oxygen therapy are: Drinking ozonated water, hydrogen peroxide foot bath or full body bath, ozone sauna or breathing ozone bubbled through olive oil, Homozon (is both an intestinal cleanse and also an oxygen therapy after the intestines are clean). At the very least, drink plenty of water to flush out detoxification waste.
Other requirements for the protocol
A good intestinal / colon cleanse is recommended before treatment. Especially if you have not been “going” at least once or twice a day,to provide a clear passage for the detoxification waste. Eg.Homozon, Colosan, Magnesium Oxide with lemon juice (cheap alternative), a good herbal cleanse, or go for a series of about 4-6 colonic washouts.
If the Magnetic Pulser is used on the abdomen (which it usually isn’t), it is advisable to take a good probiotic supplement for a month or two after treatment.    This ensures a colony of “good” intestinal bacteria, which may have been harmed by the pulser.
Good nutrition is necessary.  Including daily supplementation with a whole-food source of vitamins and minerals (i.e. a “green” drink), omega-3 fat (Flax oil, Flaxseed, Marine oil) and antioxidants (Especially vitamins A, C, E, D and K, and beta-carotene) to protect the healthy cells.
The idea of detoxification is to remove all the “invaders” from the body and then to not put any back in –Â and not to create a “happy hotel” in which microbes can flourish!
To obtain good results, you are advised to follow:
Sunlight  Thoughts  Air  Rest  Trust God Sex
For specific, brain-related problems, also use the SOTA Bio-Tuner (“Brain Tuner”) 20 minutes per day. Our body’s operations are controlled by hormones produced by our endocrine glands and other organs (e.g. hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal, thyroid, thymus, adrenals, pancreas, testes and ovaries). Hormonal production becomes unbalanced by physical and emotional stresses, but can be re-balanced by applying safe, time-tested and effective Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES). E.g. by using the SOTA Bio-Tuner
How long does it take for the protocol to be effective and to see results?
3 weeks for general maintenance / 2 or 3 months for serious problems.  Applying the Beck protocol (including using the Silver Pulser 2 hours / day and the Magnetic Pulser 20-30 minutes per day), will detoxify a typically “dirty” body in 3 weeks.
Apply the Beck protocol for 3 weeks to 2 months, then stop for 1 week –Â If the cleansing reactions have stopped and you are feeling well and energetic, you’re done. Otherwise you will need to continue treatment.
Why isn’t this protocol being universally Implemented?
As Beck put it –Â “A patient cured is a medical customer lost. When realized, this healing protocol could interrupt HMO profits, disrupt medical pharmaceutical cartels, eliminate most drugs, medicines, debilities and early deaths, wipe out hospitals and health care capital investments, minimize insurance mechanizations, dramatically abate sickness and suffering, plus imperil social security futures with bankruptcies.”
In addition to its suppression, some major obstacles to Beck’s simple solution are:
- People must assume responsibility for their own health
- Martyr’s Complex
- Fear of losing financial aid
- Desire to die