What is a goiter?

A goiter is an enlarged thyroid gland.   A normal gland weighing ~1/2 oz can increase up to ~2 pounds. The whole gland can enlarge (called diffuse goiter) or there can be one or more small nodules. Enlargement is not due to physical inflammation, but is a thick tissue growth caused by the presence of chronic or agressive thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH); this may occur for a variety of reasons, including, for example,  iodine deficiency, pregnancy, inflammatory thyroid damage or having diagnosed (or undiagnosed) Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

Most nodules (lumps) are cysts filled with fluid, called cystic nodules); nodules can also contain the stored form of thyroid hormones, collectively called colloid; solid nodules have minimal fluid or colloid.

A goiter can be associated with:

  • Hyperthroidism / An overactive thyroid  / Excessive thyroid hormones
  • Hypothroidism /An underactive thyroid  /  Insufficient thyroid hormones
  • Normal thyroid hormone levels

Physical characteristics of a goiter can be:

  • Symmetrical or Nodules or enlargement are in just one part of the gland
  • Diffuse (spread out, generalized, smooth, as in Grave’s disease) or solitary (if only a small area is enlarged; commonly benign cysts, nodules)
  • Nodules are benign or malignant (cells in nodule have the ability to spread outside the thyroid gland)

Non-toxic, toxic or endemic goiter?

Non-toxic Goiter

  • Diffuse (spread out) or Nodular (i.e. lumps; 1 = solitary thyroid nodule / more than 1 = multinodular goiter)
  • Thyroid hormone production is normal
  • Non-cancerous
  • Not associated with Hyperthroidism, Hypothyroidism, or inflammation


  • Diffuse Toxic Goiter (a.k.a. Graves Disease or exophthalmic goiter)  (involves autoimmune-antibodies / auto-antibodies)   /  Toxic Nodular Goiter (is not an autoimmune disease);
  • Excessive secretion of thyroid hormones;
  • Causes signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism;

Endemic Goiter (Goitrous hypOthyroidism)

  • Inability to make sufficient thyroid hormone
  • Associated with Hypothroidism
  • Most common cause is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis 


A goiter is seen as a swelling at the front base of the neck

The enlarged thryroid compresses the trachea (windpipe) and esophagus.    This can lead to such symptoms as:

  • Coughing;
  • Waking up with the feeling of being unable to breathe;
  • Sensation of food stuck in upper throat


A goiter could occur as a result of:

  • Inadequate iodide levels.   This being the most common cause of goiter worldwide, particularly prevalent in areas of iodine-deficient soil; referred to as ENDEMIC goiter.
  • Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis.    An autoimmune thyroiditis; anti-thyroid antibodies attack thyroid causing damage/inflammation leading to hypothyroidism
  • Ord’s thyroiditis.    Seen particularly in Europe; an atrophic form of autoimmune thyroiditis;

  •  Increase in thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).   This is in response to a problem with usual/normal thyroid hormone production;   
  • Malfunctioning/damaged/ inflamed thyroid.   Damage possibly results from insufficient  iodine intake;
  • Excessive presence of goitrogens.   These can block thyroid access to iodine needed for TH production and create unused thyroglobulin (Tg);
  • Hypothyroidism.    Since low hormone levels stimulate TH production;
  • Some drugs.    Lithium inhibits release of TH; amiodarone may induce inflammatory damage to thyroid;
  • Thyroid Cancers / Benign tumors (nodules).   May cause a multinodular goiter (solid or fluid-filled lumps, called nodules);
  •  Pregnancy.   The pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) may cause slight thyroid enlargement;
  •  Graves Disease / Diffuse Toxic goiter.   Autoimmune disease stimulates thyroid to be overactive;
  •  Too much iodine ???;  Currently researching this.

Risk Factors

Anyone from birth onwards can have goiters.   Some common risk factors are:

  •  A lack of iodine
  •  Being female / Pregnancy / Menopause
  •  Age > 40
  •  Family history of autoimmune disease
  •  Radiation exposure.    Medical radiation to neck/chest area or general exposure from nuclear sources
  •  Certain medications.    The heart drug amiodarone (e.g. Pacerone, Cordarone), lithium (e.g. Lithobid)


Marine D, Kimball BS. (1917) The prevention of simple goiter in man. J Lab Clin Med; 3:40-48.

Marine D. (1923) Prevention and treatment of simple goiter.  Atl Med J; 26:437-442.

Chronic low-level inflammation

- The Medical kit of the future


  • Detoxification
  • Boost immune system / cellular energy
  • Anti-inflammatory / Pain-relief
  • Insomnia / Reduce stress
  • Accelerates healing of tissue, bone, muscles, scars
  • Improve circulation +++

Successful electrotherapies:

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy Near Infrared (NIR) class 4 laser therapy
Rife therapy
Ozone therapy

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What is a goiter?

What is a goiter?

A goiter can be associated with:

Hyperthroidism / An overactive thyroid  / Excessive thyroid hormones
Hypothroidism /An underactive thyroid  /  Insufficient thyroid hormones
Normal thyroid hormone levels...
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Grave’s Disease / Diffuse Toxic Goiter / Hyperthyroid

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Thyroid replacement hormones are not your best choice

Prefer iodine supplementation to thyroid replacement hormones, but if you insist on mainstream treatment at least choose natural dessicated thyroid hormones . . .