Questions to ask if you are constantly fatigued

1. Are you deficient in some ingredient?
E.g. Minerals, vitamins, essential fats, saturated fat?
By way of illustration:
Vitamin C and scurvy. Many sailors died of scurvy in the 1700s, simply because of a deficiency of vitamin C.
Niacin (B3) and pellagra. From the 1700s until early 1900s many thousands died with a disease called pellagra, which induced “the four D’s”: diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, and death. Not until the 1930’s was pellagra determined to be nothing more than a lack of niacin (vitamin B3). Thiamine (B1) and beriberi. More than 100 years ago, brown rice was replaced in some East Asian countries with machine-polished white rice because it keeps better. This initiated an epidemic of a disease called beriberi, which killed and crippled thousands. Dry beriberi causes muscles to waste and partial paralysis, and wet beriberi causes heart failure and weakening of the capillary walls, which causes the peripheral tissues to swell with fluid. In the 1930’s, it was discovered that the main cause of beriberi was that a major source of thiamine had been discarded in the husk
Today, people in wealthy nations have a woefully deficient intake of certain necessary nutrients
Omega-3. Largely as a consequence of eating meat from non-grass-fed animals and non-pastured poultry and not eating enough oily fish or omega-3-rich seeds, such as chia and flax.
Magnesium – The Missing Mineral
Iodine – mainly as a consequence of today’s excessive intake of fluoride and chlorine (so called goitrogens) that compete with iodine in the body;
Iodine -“The Universal Medicine”
Vitamin C – although people have a sufficient intake of vitamin C to prevent scurvy, it is still not enough to maintain health in today’s world.
Vitamin C -“God’s Medicine”
Vitamin D – many people do not spend enough time in the sun to ensure a healthy intake of this crucial hormone-like vitamin
Vitamin D – “The Sunshine Vitamin”
Possibly sulfur – several factors are now contributing to lower sulfate intake – efficient farming methods have caused sulfur content in soils to be depleted (E.g. phosphate-rich fertilizer interferes with sulfate absorption), drinking soft water eliminates a significant source of sulfur as do typical diets high in grains. A sulfur deficiency often leads to pain and inflammation associated with various muscle and skeletal disorders.
Sulfur -“Healing Mineral”
Many modern day illnesses are consequential to the excessive dietary intake of the following nutrient-deficient foods:
Wheat – Both white and whole wheat flour (E.g. in bread, donuts, pancakes, cakes, cookies, pastries, pasta) and refined rice;
Rice, Corn
Processed sugars. Especially fructose (E.g. in high fructose corn syrup, table sugar and agave nectar) in sugary drinks (mostly sodas, but also in excess fruit juice) and processed foods;
Too much sugar Too much fructose
Refined oils. These supply amounts of omega-6 fats that cause an imbalance with our deficient omega-3 fat intake, and also introduce health-damaging fats (E.g. Trans fats) into our body
Reduced-fat foods. Other than damaged fat in polyunsaturated oils that are refined or used for frying, fat is NOT in fact the commonly maligned culprit being blamed for today’s health problems. Rather – we need more fat – but just the good ones:
• We need to ensure we are obtaining sufficient anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats. To counter predominately inflammatory omega-6 fats.
• Natural animal fat sources i.e. meat, fish and dairy products from livestock that have eaten a chemical-free, traditional diet, in a wholesome, outside environment without hormonal injections E.g. not cooped up in Concentrated Animal Farming Operations (CAFOs)
• Cold-processed vegetable oils – Use only the most heat-resilient / highest smoke point oils for frying. i.e. Expeller-pressed coconut oil (has no coconut flavor) or avocado oil are good choices
2. Do you need to avoid something?
Examples of harmful presences
Wheat. E.g. due to allergy or the effect of newer hybrid species
Caffeine – in excess
Damaged/processed fats
Artificial Sweeteners. E.g. Aspartame, sucralose
Harmful household/gardening chemicals. E.g. carpet chemicals, chemically scented (not using essential oils) air fresheners / scented candles
GM foods
Nano particles (in food additives/cosmetics)
Unnatural/harmful energy fields. E.g. from the grid or use of cell phones
Destructive relationship
3. Do you need to eliminate /detoxify something from the body?
Intestinal waste
Toxins. E.g. lead, mercury, harmful chemicals from the “cides” (such as pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides)
Microbes – bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa;
Past resentments/emotional trauma. Unhealthy emotional issues (such as chronic anger, jealousy, inappropriate fear).
4. Is previous damage /surgery preventing healing?
Old scars, missing body parts:
Removal of gallbladder. Reduces the efficiency of processing fats
Tonsils and appendix are active constituents of the immune system and are “missed” when removed. The appendix has recently been found to be a safe haven for natural flora during pathogenic infection;
Having a section of intestine removed interferes with the digestive process. Also, old scars can cause blockages.