Synthetic thyroid replacement hormones are not your best choice!

Types of thyroid replacement hormones

Synthetic thyroid hormone (levothyroxine sodium) – a synthetic form of thyroxine (t4) normally secreted by the thyroid gland’s follicular cells.
  • Used to treat hypothyroidism and also goiter (via its ability to lower Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH))
  • Ineffective form of thyroid hormone because it contains only T4 – A patient with liver problems cannot convert it to the active form, T3. This is especially prevalent in estrogen-dominant women. The worst effect of Synthroid is its suppression of pituitary TSH, which in turn, suppresses T3 from the thyroid.
  • Brand names – include Levothroid, Synthroid, Levoxyl, , Unithroid, Eltroxin, Levaxin, Norton, Eutrosig, Oroxine, Tirosint
Natural dessicated thyroid hormones (NDT) – because of the problems seen with T4-only (storage form) hormone replacement medication and the inability of some people to make the conversion to active T3, some doctors are now again choosing to prescribe NDT, a medication used safely for over 100 years
  • NDT hormones are dessicated (dried) porcine thyroid gland powder combined with tablet fillers – and contain all 4 human thyroid hormones T4, T3, T2, T1 and CALCITONIN (a hormone secreted by the thyroid gland, needed to build or rebuild bone mass). Connective tissue and fat are removed before processing, but in addition to hormones, the result still contains ~98% other thyroid components.
  • NDT hormones meet stringent guidelines of the US Pharmacopoeia
  • Brand names – include Armour (by Forest Lab), Naturethroid and Westhroid(by RLC Labs), Thyroid (by Erfa), and newly available generic NP Thyroid (by Acella Pharmaceuticals)

Long-term use of these drugs is associated with depletion of thyroid and tissue iodine levels

Supplementing TH’s may tend to make the thyroid lazy
  • Thyroid hormone inhibits the body’s ability to uptake iodine Synthroid (or other thyroid-destructive therapies) should never be taken without iodine supplementation;
  • Warning: Thyroid hormone supplementation significantly increases risk of breast cancer – A woman with hypothyroidism has a 6% risk of developing breast cancer. Once she starts taking thyroid hormone, it doubles her risk. If she has had no children or if she’s been on thyroid hormone replacement for 15 years, the risk more than triples to a 19.6% chance of developing breast cancer.

Abraham GE et al, Orthoiodosupplementation: Iodine sufficiency of the whole human body. 2002;Ghandrakant C et al, Breast Cancer. Relationship to Thyroid Supplements for Hypothyroidism, JAMA 1976

Suppplement iodine in preference to thyroid hormone supplementation

Guidance for Getting Off Thyroid Hormones (advice given by endocrinologist Dr. Jorge Flechas, MD):
  1. Start iodine supplementation
  2. If there are symptoms of HYPERthyroidism – you can reduce the thyroid hormones in half. However, do not reduce the thyroid hormones UNTIL symptoms of hyperthyroidism occur.They may occur 3 – 4 weeks after starting iodine supplementation, 3 – 4 months later, a year later, or not at all.

Symptoms of HYPERthyroidism

Typical Symptoms Include:
Weight loss -despite increased appetite Nervousness, Anxiety, irritability
Heat intolerance Tremors in hands/fingers
Muscle weakness/aches Fatigue
Excessive production/excretion of urine (Polyuria) / Excessive thirst Hyperactivity
Apathy Hypoglycemia
Non-pitting edema over the shin (Pretibial myxedema) Sweating
Can also include:
Palpitations/ increased heart rate / arrhythmia Memory loss
Diarrhea Insomnia
Loss of libido Pain in thyroid gland (at front of neck)
Shortness of breath (dyspnea) Light/absent menses
Iodine will increase the sensitivity of the thyroid RECEPTORS to thyroid hormone – thus, less thyroid hormone is needed.

Chronic low-level inflammation

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  • Detoxification
  • Boost immune system / cellular energy
  • Anti-inflammatory / Pain-relief
  • Insomnia / Reduce stress
  • Accelerates healing of tissue, bone, muscles, scars
  • Improve circulation +++

Successful electrotherapies:

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy Near Infrared (NIR) class 4 laser therapy
Rife therapy
Ozone therapy

Thyroid disorders related:



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What is a goiter?

What is a goiter?

A goiter can be associated with:

Hyperthroidism / An overactive thyroid  / Excessive thyroid hormones
Hypothroidism /An underactive thyroid  /  Insufficient thyroid hormones
Normal thyroid hormone levels...
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Thyroiditis – Inflammation of the thyroid gland

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Grave’s Disease / Diffuse Toxic Goiter / <span class="hyper">Hyperthyroid</span>

Grave’s Disease / Diffuse Toxic Goiter / Hyperthyroid

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Thyroid replacement hormones are not your best choice

Thyroid replacement hormones are not your best choice

Prefer iodine supplementation to thyroid replacement hormones, but if you insist on mainstream treatment at least choose natural dessicated thyroid hormones . . .
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Clinical and simple DIY tests for thyroid metabolism

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Thyroid Gland

Thyroid Gland

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