"Cardiovascular DIY Fix" -♪"How can you mend a broken heart?"♪♫

DO NOT REMOVE ATHEROSCLEROTIC PLAQUE UNTIL YOU HAVE DEALT WITH THE CAUSE OF DAMAGE AND STRENGTHENED YOUR ARTERIES Using cholesterol-lowering drugs (or any other mechanism) to remove cholesterol content from arterial plaque before rebuilding the arterial walls is acting against your body’s own survival tactic. If you are not getting enough vitamin C to produce sufficient collagen to maintain the integrity of your arteries, then the atherosclerotic plaque “repair patch” (containing Lp(a) and LDL cholesterol) is saving your life! Lowering cholesterol will somewhat reduce plaque build-up, but simply removing plaque without first restoring the artery to health is like tearing a scab off a wound.Your body first needs sufficient vitamin C to heal and strengthen your arterial walls.

An holistic plan

The overall concept of this DIY plan to cure ischaemic cardiovascular disease is simple enough:
  1. Stop damaging your artery walls
  2. Repair and strengthen your artery walls
Achieving these 2 goals will allow your body to remove the blood-flow-reducing plaque build-up inside your artery walls, that it laid down as an inflammatory response against damage by various offending mechanisms, as a temporary repair measure to prevent you from bleeding out. However, this natural “fix” does require a dedicated, all-around approach to:  
  • Attend to factors contributing to the chronic damage / inflammation of your arterial walls.

   Cholesterol and saturated fat are NOT the “Darth Vader” of ischaemic CVD

    • NEWSTARTS plan. Attend to diet, lifestyle & emotional state – Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunlight, Thoughts, Air (oxygen), Rest, Trust God, Sex.
    • More anti-inflammatory, antioxidant-rich fresh fruits / vegetables and spices (ginger, cinnamon, garlic, turmeric, red pepper)
    • More omega-3 fat.   Today’s “Holy Grail” of health. Anti-inflammatory O3 from oily fish, fish oil supplements, flax or chia seed, walnuts;
    • Omega-6 GLA fats from evening primrose, blackcurrant or borage oil) provides anti-inflammatory DGLA fat
    • Body “invaders”   Infective microbes, toxins from various sources (pesticides, herbicides, smoking, drugs, artificial sweeteners etc.) unnatural electromagnetic fields, chlorinated water +++
    • Toxic fats.  Especially found in processed foods, restaurant fare, and typical grocery-store unsaturated vegetable oils, more so when used for frying.
    • Too much sugar.  Glycation of sugar leads to damaging AGE’s (Advanced glycation end-products).
    • Too much meat / dairy.  Homocysteine (amino acid abundant in red meat, milk and its products) is worsened by B-vitamin deficiency.
    • An overly-acid-forming diet.   Vegetables and fruit are mostly alkaline-forming (especially watermelon and lemons!) Meat, dairy, nuts, alcohol are mostly acid-forming.
    • Stress.  Oxidants are introduced via emotional / physical trauma.
    • Lack of dietary antioxidants. Mainly vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, and CoQ10, also polyphenols and carotenoids in fruits and vegetables. Used to counter damaging oxidants from all sources. Supporting trace minerals include selenium (in brazil nuts), zinc (in pumpkin seeds), manganese, copper, iron.
    • Boost immune system
  • Repair / Strengthen the arterial walls –
    • Supply sufficient dietary Vitamin C to make collagen. This binding connective tissue molecule, comprised of vitamin C, and the amino acids proline and lysine, provides integrity for the artery walls (also bone, tendons, ligaments, skin) and decreases significantly with age.
    • Guavas, oranges and kiwis are your best natural sources of vitamin C. However, Nobel prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling recommended adults take at least 3g vitamin C / day (i.e. which requires taking a supplement). The Rath-Pauling therapy is a cheap, high-dose therapy to help those who already have or suspect CVD, supplementing at least 5 or 6 g vitamin C and at least 2g of the amino acid lysine each day.

Atherosclerosis / CVD involves weakened arterial walls due to a vitamin C deficiency

Chronic low-level inflammation

- The Medical kit of the future


  • Detoxifies
  • Boosts immune system / cellular energy
  • Anti-inflammatory / Pain-relief
  • Aids sleep / Reduces stress
  • Accelerates healing of tissue, bone, muscles, scars
  • Improves circulation +++

Successful electrotherapies:

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy

Near Infrared (NIR) class 4 laser therapy

Rife therapy

Ozone therapy

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)

What is atherosclerosis?

What is atherosclerosis?

Atherosclerosis occurs as a result of the immune system's INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE to an arterial blood vessel wall DAMAGE.   Intended as a temporary fix, plaque is laid down to prevent bleeding out through a damaged arterial wall. . .
Atherosclerosis / CVD – Involves weakened arterial walls due to a chronic vitamin C deficiency

Atherosclerosis / CVD – Involves weakened arterial walls due to a chronic vitamin C deficiency

To properly REPAIR and RENEW constantly decaying arterial walls, your body must produce a binding protein called COLLAGEN, which requires ample quantities of Vitamin C. . .
Rath-Pauling Therapy

Rath-Pauling Therapy

An inexpensive, nutrient-based, oral therapy to strengthen the body's connective tissue, including collagen. Used to cure cardiovascular disease (CVD) related to atherosclerosis by repairing arterial walls. . .
$tatins – Don’t save lives!

$tatins – Don’t save lives!

Statins supposedly prevent a high percentage of cardiovascular disease (CVD) - but they don't! - find out why. . .
The Atherosclerosis Process

The Atherosclerosis Process

In atherosclerosis, the process of laying down plaque to repair a damaged artery wall is complex. The basic steps are found here. . .
“CVD Fix” – How do you mend a broken heart?

“CVD Fix” – How do you mend a broken heart?

2 goals to remove the blood-flow-reducing arterial plaque in CVD (1) Stop damaging your artery walls. (2) Repair and strengthen your artery walls. . .
What works against CVD and why

What works against CVD and why

Forget measuring serum lipids and reducing dietary saturated fat!   Ischaemic CVD is a chronic low-level inflammatory disease, which can be dealt with effectively by eating real, nutritious food containing lots of antioxidants and alkalizing foods,, moderate exercise, sunlight, fresh air, restorative sleep, peace within. . .
Cholesterol – Our hero!

Cholesterol – Our hero!

Much maligned cholesterol is NOT responsible for heart disease - it's there to buy you extra time to fix the real problem. . .
Cholesterol and saturated fat are NOT the “Darth Vader” of ischaemic heart disease

Cholesterol and saturated fat are NOT the “Darth Vader” of ischaemic heart disease

Only 20-30% of our body's cholesterol is from food and if you don't eat this precious commodity, the body will produce it. . .