How to treat CHRONIC (long-term) LOW-LEVEL inflammation (CLLI)


Also see: HOW-TO treat ACUTE (short-term) inflammation / pain

The best way to prevent CHRONIC inflammation and associated oxidative stress that increases risk for heart disease and many other health problems

Maintain a proper body weight and eat a diet that provides adequate amounts of essential nutrients and foods that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions.

To win the battle against CHRONIC LOW-LEVEL Inflammation (CLLI), you will need to :

(1) Address dietary /lifestyle practices causing tissue-damaging oxidative stress

(2) Enhance elimination of toxins and microbes from the body

(3) Address dietary/lifestyle practices modulating the inflammatory response

(1) Address Dietary /lifestyle practices causing tissue-damaging oxidative stress
i.e. REMOVE / MODERATE source of OXIDATIVE damage

Processed foodAdditives, preservatives, dyes, excess heavy metals, MSG
Excess red meat / dairy (increases homocysteine levels)Homocysteine levels can be modulated – by consuming sufficient B-vitamins (B2, B6, B12, folate) and magnesium
Microwaved food (Oxidants)Microwaves – Not so convenient for your health
Artificial sweetenersAspartamesucralose – in diet sodas and usually in sugar-free products
Non-organic foodHerbicides, pesticides, Genetically Modified Food (GMOs)
Chlorinated water(==> Disinfection by-products)
Fluoridated water
Drinking, cooking, bathing water
Cured meat (contains nitrates/nitrites)Eat ham, bacon, sausages, salami, Pepperoni in moderation or not at all.
Moderate sugar / carbohydrate consumption / Keep fructose intake < 25g /day – Causes glycation damage/Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs)
Avoid Excess fructose intake – in sugar, honey, maple syrup, fruit juice or excessive fruit consumption, agave nectar, or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) (in sodas – some are >20g/12 oz can), cakes, pies, cookies, desserts/ice cream, candies and most other processed foods)
Moderate consumption of glucose – in sugars and simple starches (such as mashed potatoes, rice, bread and pasta); 
AntinutrientsAvoid / Moderate consumption of Antinutrients (E.g. lectins, phytic acid) – particularly prevalent in wheat products (bread, pasta) and improperly prepared beans;
ALL DAMAGED FATS:High-heat-processed fats & oils /hydrogenated fats /partially hydrogenated fats (trans fats),
AVOID Toxic Fats in:
Typical grocery store oils (E.g. canola, soybean, corn, safflower, and peanut oils – Also, most restaurants use these oils),
Shortenings. E.g. Crisco,
Deep-fried food,
Moderate fatty, grain-fed meat and fishFatty, grain-fed beef /pork /chicken /turkey/ fish – add to inflammatory omega-6 fat intake;
Household chemicalsCleaning supplies –  laundry soaps/softeners, insecticides, herbicides, etc
Chemical-laden personal productsChoose chemical-free products: Soap, shaving cream, hand lotion, toothpaste, deodorant, cosmetics, facial creams, hair spray, cologne,  perfume, shampoo, hair conditioner, suntan lotion
Air contaminationAir fresheners; Car exhaust fumes; Industrial, petrochemical paints/solvents; Tobacco smoke; Mercury vapors, etc.
Unnatural EMFsUnnatural frequency radiation – from electrical equipment, Wi-fi, cell-phones, fluorescent lights, power grid
Recreational DrugsNicotine; Cocaine; Excess alcohol
Excess use of pharmaceuticalsMedications – Aspirin, anti-histamines, anti-depressants, pain meds, countless other drugs
Emotional Stress (Oxidants)Thoughts (Emotions)
Microbial infectionRemove microbes or control their presence in body – includes bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites:
Probiotics – “For Life
Rife Resonance Protocol
Beck Protocol
Ozone Therapy
Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE)
Iodine – “Universal medicine”
Wild Oregano Oil (WOO)
Tea Tree Oil
Ionic Colloidal Siiver (ICS)
Parasites -“Uninvited Guests” 
Many other therapies 
Contaminant heavy metalsAvoid excess heavy metals E.g. Mercury (in fish from industrial waters, dental amalgams); aluminum (cooking pans, some food products, antiperspirants;Remove excess heavy metals – using chelation therapies:
Magnesium -Missing Miracle Mineral
Other chelation therapies
Miscellaneous concernsNon-hygienic practices / wash hands appropriately.
Cook meat thoroughly
Practice safe sex
Enhance body’s elimination systems

(2) Enhance Elimination of Toxins / Microbes from body
Boost immune systemEmpower your immune system to do its janitorial work efficiently:
Transfer Factors
Probiotics -For Life
Beck Protocol
Many other therapies
WaterInteresting fact: although 2/3 of your body mass is water,  >99% of the molecules in your body are actually water molecules that interact with your other body cells – consider therefore, what an impact water must have on your health ! Flushes toxins; Reduces acidity.
Water -2/3 of You
FlaxseedInsoluble fiber (intestinal sweeping brush), soluble fiber, lignans, omega-3 ALA  fatty acids
Flax Seed
Fruits and VegetablesInsoluble fiber – Fruits and Vegetables
Immune system booster nutrients
Cleanse Elimination organsINTESTINES; LIVER, Respiratory system (lungs, bronchial tubes, sinuses); Kidneys, Skin (E.g. Sauna, exercise/sweat); Lymphatic system.
ExerciseBoosts immune system; Increases body’s oxygen.
OxygenAnti-microbial;  Used to destroy chemical toxins
(3) Address dietary/lifestyle practices modulating the inflammatory response

ALL nutrients / recommendations in this chart are known for their anti-inflammatory influence

SOD, CAT, GPx are body’s endogenous antioxidants (AOX)


Vitamin A / Beta-caroteneAOX
Vitamin B2↓  homocysteine
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)Δ5D cofactor
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)↓  homocysteine
Vitamin B9 (Folate)↓  homocysteine
Leafy/green veg. and fortified grain products
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)↓  homocysteine
Vitamin C – God’s medicineAOX
Vitamin D – The Sunshine Vitamin
Vitamin EAOX
CoQ10 – Spark and dampener AOX
MELATONIN – The Darkness HormoneAOX


IodineThyroid hormone
CopperSOD cofactor
IronCAT cofactor
Magnesium reduces inflammation Δ6D cofactor
GPx cofactor – AOX Glutathione needs Mg
Mg Activates Vitamin D
Mg – Alkalizing Agent
Mg – Heavy Metal Detoxifier
ManganeseSOD cofactor
SeleniumGPx cofactor – AOX Glutathione needs Mg
Thyroid hormone cofactor
ZincΔ6D cofactor


Fruits/Vegetables (9 – 3 oz servings/day)Eat raw or lightly steamed/sauteed in olive oil and spices.
SpicesRed pepper, turmeric, ginger, garlic, cinnamon,
(counter Omega-6 inflammatory fats)     How-to GET THE FATS OF LIFE
Omega-3 Fats:   
Flax, Chia or Hemp Seed, 
Oily fish, WIld Salmon Oil, Krill Oil
Anti-inflammatory fats:
Flax Seed, Chia Seed, or Hemp Seed
Eating fish for omega-3 EPA / DHA 
Fish Oil E.g Wild Salmon Oil
Krill Oil
Omega-6 GLA:
Borage / Blackcurrant / Evening primrose oil
Anti-inflammatory fat:
Borage, blackcurrant, or evening primrose oil for DGLA (contain Omega-6 GLA)
Extra virgin olive oil / avocadoesMonounsaturated fat for cold / low heat use.
Olive oil
Beans (2 servings/day)Anti-inflammatory
Spiritual peaceReligious intervention shown to improve immune function
Trust in God
Control INSULIN Levels 
Emotional stabilityThoughts
Anti-inflammatory “Tools”DMSO
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMFT)

Chronic low-level inflammation

- The Medical kit of the future


  • Detoxification
  • Boost immune system / cellular energy
  • Anti-inflammatory / Pain-relief
  • Insomnia / Reduce stress
  • Accelerates healing of tissue, bone, muscles, scars
  • Improve circulation +++

Successful electrotherapies:

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy Near Infrared (NIR) class 4 laser therapy
Rife therapy
Ozone therapy
