Thyroid Disorders - Problems occur when the thyroid produces too few or too many thyroid hormones

Thyroid Hormones T3 / T4  – “Master Metabolism Hormones”

Hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid)


Hyperthyroidism (over-active thyroid)

The thyroid produces too little thyroid hormone.  This lowers the metabolism rate of the body’s cells. A DAMAGED thyroid may not be able to produce enough hormones A malfunctioning, OVERACTIVE thyroid produces too much hormone.  This speeds up the rate at which each cell functions. A DAMAGED thyroid may “leak” hormones leading to thyrotoxicosis (high blood levels of TH) and so show symptoms of hyperthyroidism (usually followed by symptoms of hypothroidism,  since a damaged thyroid stops producing thyroid hormones and stored hormones are eventually depleted).

Hypothyroidism is seen:

When there is an insufficiency of raw materials.  E.g.  iodine, selenium, and/or the amino acid tyrosine for the thyroid to make sufficient thyroid hormones; In thyroiditis (incl. autoimmune thyroid disease) – generally an attack on the thyroid gland causing inflammation, damage and possible death of thyroid gland cells. Causes include:
  • Autoimmune Thyroiditis produces Anti-thyroid antibodies  (most common cause of thyroiditis) – involved in Hashimoto’s disease
  • Infectious microbes
  • Toxic substances /  Radiation exposure
As a Goiter (an enlarged thyroid gland seen as a swelling at front side of the base of the neck).    It can occur as a result of insufficient thyroid hormone production (hypothyroidism) or excessive TH production (hyperthroidism) or neither.

Hyperthyroidism is seen:

In patients with Grave’s Disease.    An auto immune disease with antibodies against the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor (whilst also activating the receptor); characteristics include hyperthyroidism, high T4, and diffuse goiter. Graves Disease In certain phases of thyroiditis:


The mainstream medical treatment for hypothyroidism is to supplement thyroid hormones

  • However,  the better solution may be to simply provide the missing raw ingredients (such as iodine / iodide, antioxidants and antioxidant-support nutrients (E.g. selenium, manganese, and zinc) – to enable the thyroid to increase its own production of thyroid hormones without creating uncontrolled, damaging reactive oxygen species (ROS).
  • Over time, supplementing thyroid hormones can result in a “lazy”  thyroid
  • And worse, supplementing with SYNTHETIC hormones has been shown to significantly increase the risk of breast cancer.

Thyroid Replacement Hormones

Chronic low-level inflammation

- The Medical kit of the future


  • Detoxifies
  • Boosts immune system / cellular energy
  • Anti-inflammatory / Pain-relief
  • Aids sleep / Reduces stress
  • Accelerates healing of tissue, bone, muscles, scars
  • Improves circulation +++

Successful electrotherapies:

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy

Near Infrared (NIR) class 4 laser therapy

Rife therapy

Ozone therapy

Thyroid disorders related:

Thyroid Gland

Thyroid Gland

Thyroid hormone production depends on 3 key components...
Thyroid Hormone Production

Thyroid Hormone Production

In the thyroid follicles, iodine + Amino acid tyrosine →  T3 and T4...
Thyroid Hormone Production in Detail

Thyroid Hormone Production in Detail

These are the 7 main steps in thyroid hormone production...


Underproduction of thyroid hormones can be a result of insufficient iodine intake or various forms of thyroiditis...
What is a goiter?

What is a goiter?

A goiter can be associated with:

Hyperthroidism / An overactive thyroid  / Excessive thyroid hormones
Hypothroidism /An underactive thyroid  /  Insufficient thyroid hormones
Normal thyroid hormone levels...
Thyroiditis <span class="hdg-smaller">– Inflammation  of the thyroid gland</span>

Thyroiditis – Inflammation of the thyroid gland

Thyroiditis is the result of an attack on the thyroid gland occuring because of an autoimmune process, infection, medication, or pregnancy...
Grave’s Disease / Diffuse Toxic Goiter / <span class="hyper">Hyperthyroid</span>

Grave’s Disease / Diffuse Toxic Goiter / Hyperthyroid

Grave's disease is associated with several characteristics...


Hyperthyroidism occurs when overactive thyroid tissue produces TOO MUCH thyroid hormone (T3 and T4)...
Thyroid replacement hormones are not your best choice

Thyroid replacement hormones are not your best choice

Prefer iodine supplementation to thyroid replacement hormones, but if you insist on mainstream treatment at least choose natural dessicated thyroid hormones . . .
Clinical and simple DIY tests for thyroid metabolism

Clinical and simple DIY tests for thyroid metabolism

.Checking your thyroid function is as simple as measuring your temperature...
Thyroid Hormones T3 / T4 – “Master Metabolism Hormones”

Thyroid Hormones T3 / T4 – “Master Metabolism Hormones”

Thyronine (T4) is the storage form of thyroid hormone, the active form triiodothyronine (T3) has 3 primary functions...
Thyroid gland disorders

Thyroid gland disorders

A damaged or underactive thyroid produces too little thyroid hormone lowering cellular metabolism, an overactive thyroid produces too much speeding up cell functions...