.Checking your thyroid function is as simple as measuring your temperature . . .
.Checking your thyroid function is as simple as measuring your temperature . . .
Prefer iodine supplementation to thyroid replacement hormones, but if you insist on mainstream treatment at least choose natural dessicated thyroid hormones . . .
Hyperthyroidism occurs when overactive thyroid tissue produces TOO MUCH thyroid hormone (T3 and T4) . . .
Grave’s disease is associated with several characteristics . . .
Thyroiditis is the result of an attack on the thyroid gland occuring because of an autoimmune process, infection, medication, or pregnancy . . .
A goiter can be associated with:
Hyperthroidism / An overactive thyroid / Excessive thyroid hormones
Hypothroidism /An underactive thyroid / Insufficient thyroid hormones
Normal thyroid hormone levels . . .
Underproduction of thyroid hormones can be a result of insufficient iodine intake or various forms of thyroiditis . . .
These are the 7 main steps in thyroid hormone production . . .
In the thyroid follicles, iodine + Amino acid tyrosine → T3 and T4 . . .
Thyroid hormone production depends on 3 key components . . .