Magnesium 💡 - The Missing Mineral

"Deficiency of magnesium is associated with virtually every known disease: heart attacks, diabetes, depression, cancer... "
– Dr. C Norman Shealy M.D., PhD – Author of “Holy Water, Sacred Oil, The Fountain of Youth”

Intake of the 4 major minerals is typically imbalanced
People on a typical Western diet tend to consume too much calcium and sodium, and insufficient magnesium and potassium.  This is often reflected in urine tests which show calcium and sodium being excreted while magnesium and potassium are being retained. All four of these minerals work together in the body. Problems arise when one or more of the minerals are deficient or when the minerals are out of balance with each other.
So what’s so special about magnesium? . . . When magnesium is deficient, which it is for many people, then replenishing the body’s stores of this important and busy mineral has a healing effect on a wide range of diseases as well as being able to rejuvenate the aging body.
Magnesium deficiency doubles your risk of dying!
- A study published in the journal “Critical Care” found that a deficiency in magnesium makes you twice as likely to die as other people –  About 70% of Americans are deficient in this critical mineral!

Magnesium has vital and essential functions in the body
“Without magnesium, muscle and nerve functions are compromised and energy diminished. We are operating with the power turned off. “
– Dr. Jerry Aikawa – The University of Colorado.Author of “Magnesium: Its Biological Significance.”
Magnesium++ is the second-most abundant positively charged ion INSIDE the body’s cells (potassium is #1) – existing in the body as positive ions in solution or complexed with other tissues (E.g. bone) – not as a silvery-white metal
Magnesium amounts are highest in bones (65%, teeth, heart and brain.
Magnesium is involved in many functions in the body:
- Metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and amino acids
- Formation of bones and teeth
- Normalizes muscle and nerve function
- Improves INSULIN sensitivity
- Helps correct abnormal lipoprotein patterns
- Reduces blood pressure
- And so much more . . .

The many health benefits of magnesium
Magnesium supplementation helps MANY health problems in those who have a deficiency, since magnesium has a pivotal role in energy production and many cellular metabolic processes. (Links provide more information on magnesium’s involvement in these health benefits)

Most of us need to supplement or boost our magnesium intake
In the U.S., magnesium supplementation is dramatically under-utilized by conventional physicians.

Magnesium is at the center of the chlorophyll molecule
The chlorophyll molecule contains magnesium – but plant-source produce will only contain magnesium if farmers have replenished the growing medium with magnesium-rich fertilizers, which they don’t typically do. In this model of the chlorophyll molecule, the bright green ion at the center of the porphyrin group is the magnesium ion.