Relative vs. Absolute Risk

When claiming a study’s risk-reduction results in favor of their drug, pharmaceutical companies usually claim misleading RELATIVE risk percentages, which do not consider the number of subjects in the test groups.

$tatins – Don’t save lives!

Statins supposedly prevent a high percentage of cardiovascular disease (CVD) – but they don’t! – find out why . . .

Cholesterol and saturated fat are NOT the “Darth Vader” of ischaemic heart disease

Only 20-30% of our body’s cholesterol is from food and if you don’t eat this precious commodity, the body will produce it

Cholesterol – Our hero!

Much maligned cholesterol is NOT responsible for heart disease – it’s there to buy you extra time to fix the real problem

Fats / Oils – Healthy or not?

Solid fats and liquid oils contain fatty and / or waxy LIPID MOLECULES, each playing essential roles in our health.

Non-soluble in water, food lipid molecules predominate in fried foods, animal / fish fats, dairy products, and vegetable, nut, & seed fats or oils.