ACUTE PHASE, short-term inflammation is the body’s immediate and appropriate response to infection or injury necessary for survival – occurring within minutes to hours
ACUTE PHASE, short-term inflammation is the body’s immediate and appropriate response to infection or injury necessary for survival – occurring within minutes to hours
How to relieve ACUTE inflammation / pain Also see: How to treat chronic low-level inflammation (CLII) Topical anti-inflammatories Ice.   If possible, apply ice to affected area – 10-15 mins every 1-2 hours DMSO – Powerful short-term anti-inflammatory. E.g. Very effective at quickly quenching pain and reducing inflammation from bites and stings. Comfrey Oil.   Not only anti-inflammatory, comfrey builds… Continue reading How to relieve acute inflammation
Popular NSAIDS inhibit both cox-1 and cox-2 enzymes. Inhibiting Cox-1 lowers production of protective “house-keeping” eicosanoids with deleterious health effects e,g loss of stomach / intestinal lining protection sets stage for ulcers . . .
CLLI is a common factor in the progression and development of most health problems / diseases today primarily due to dietary and lifestyle changes . . .
ACUTE PHASE, short-term inflammation is the body’s immediate and appropriate response to infection or injury necessary for survival – occurring within minutes to hours
 Produced mainly in the liver, C-Reactive Protein is a plasma glycoprotein whose concentration increases dramatically during the acute phase inflammatory response
A chronic low-level inflammatory response occurs if an infection / injury continues, such that the problem is NOT resolved within a few days
Inflammatory action is needed to repair damaged tissue from trauma , stress, diet, toxins or microbes and remove initiating “offenders”. If the culprit persists, inflammation is prolonged, and tissue damage continues . . .