Chart of recommended daily supplements

Chart of Recommended DAILY Supplements / Nutrients (adults) HYDRATION Water6-8 8oz. glasses SPRING / MINERAL Water is best (contains minerals); Add fresh lemonslices for a zingy taste. DO NOT DRINK “Treated” (chlorinated and/orfluoridated) water from faucet. Body is > 2/3 water; used as lubricant,base for saliva, joint fluids, regulates body temperature, detox. agent,alleviates constipation, regulates… Continue reading Chart of recommended daily supplements

“A fine kettle of fish!” – Are today’s fish too toxic to eat?

Potentially “clean”, edible fish have FINS and SCALES

Fats / Oils – Healthy or not?

Solid fats and liquid oils contain fatty and / or waxy LIPID MOLECULES, each playing essential roles in our health.

Non-soluble in water, food lipid molecules predominate in fried foods, animal / fish fats, dairy products, and vegetable, nut, & seed fats or oils.

Meet the fat families

Each of the fat families SFAs, MUFAs and PUFAs contain fatty acids

Harmful foods / practices detrimental to health

Consuming GMOs, MSG, aspartame , sucralose cause health problems; consuming too much caffeine, fructose, sugar also has its toll on our health

Enzymes – Make it happen!

Digestive, food-based and metabolic / systemic enzymes catalyze biological reactions that would not normally occur at physiological temperatures

Amino acids – Building blocks of protein

Heads-up to vegans and vegetarians! You need to include a dietary sufficiency of 9 specific amino acids to enable your body to make proteins for muscles, connective tissue, enzymes and DNA

Minerals – ~25 Earth elements for our health

Minerals cannot be made by living things and are one of the nutritional food groups required for life and health

Fiber – Stool softener and sweeping brush

Chart shows how much soluble and insoluble fiber content in foods

Probiotics – “For Life!”

Probiotics are live microorganisms (mainly bacteria) which confer a health benefit to the host, when administered in adequate amounts in foods and supplements