Missing Omega-3 EICOSANOIDS explain most health issues seen today!
Missing Omega-3 EICOSANOIDS explain most health issues seen today!
Many reasons affect these important conversions in the body
EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids ) – “The Fats of Life!” Abbreviations: PUFAs (Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids), incl. the EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids): Omega 6 (O6) LA (linolenic acid) GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) DGLA (Dihomo-gamma-linolenic) AA (Arachidonic acid) Omega-3 (O3): ALA (alpha linolenic acid) SDA (stearidonic acid) EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) DHA (Docosahexenoic Acid) What are EFAs ? EFAs are two families of… Continue reading EFAs – The fats of life
Solid fats and liquid oils contain fatty and / or waxy LIPID MOLECULES, each playing essential roles in our health.
Non-soluble in water, food lipid molecules predominate in fried foods, animal / fish fats, dairy products, and vegetable, nut, & seed fats or oils.