bottle of olive oil

EFA deficiency symptoms charts

Of special note: a tell-tale sign of a possible omega-3 deficiency is “chicken skin” (called keratosis pilaris or follicular keratosis)  – bumpy, rough skin. on the tops of the arms (also found on face, cheeks, torso and tops of legs). Occurs as a result of build-up of hard, dry skin around hair follicles. However, not all “chicken skin” is due to an O3 deficiency.

Linoleic acid (LA)
Deficiency Symptoms
Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
Deficiency Symptoms
Growth retardation Growth retardation
Excessive sweating accompanied by thirst Impairment of vision and sense of smell
Liver and kidney deterioration Weakness / Fatigue
Wound healing failure Motor in-coordination
Heart and circulatory problems Tingling sensations in arms and legs
Drying up of glands, dry eyes and mouth Edema
Behavioral changes Heart disease
Male sterility / impotence High Cholesterol and Triglycerides
Miscarriage High Blood Pressure
Arthritis-like conditions Sticky Platelets
Decreased immunity Tissue Inflammation
Decreased T-cell production Kidney dysfunction
Susceptibility to infections (Excess also causes decreased immunity by destroying white blood cells) Mental Deterioration
Loss of hair Violent tendencies
Eczema-like skin eruptions Emotional agitation
Inability to concentrate
Learning Disorders
Mood swings
Low metabolic rate
Some immune dysfunction
Arthritis / Joint Pain
Asthma, allergies
Soft, brittle, flaking nails
Dry, dull, brittle hair
Dry skin, dandruff, Scaly dermatitis,acne
Increased weight
 Omega-6 DGLA
Deficiency symptoms
 (GLA /DGLA decreases during Illness)
Omega-3 EPA/DHA 
Deficiency symptoms
Skin problems Fatigue
PMS Rheumatoid Arthritis
M.S. Migraine
Excessive thirst Depression
Miscarriage Learning disorders
Impotence Growth retardation
Cradle Cap Skin problems
CFS Sterility
Weak Nails Gastro-Intestinal Disorders
Rheumatoid Arthritis Schizophrenia
Diabetes Vision impairment
Weak Immune System Behavioral changes
Viral Infection Weak Immune System
Poor circulation Asthma
Allergies Heart and Circulatory problems
Hair loss ADHD
Behavioral changes Motor in-coordination
Sjogren’s Syndrome (Dry eyes/mouth)
Impaired glandular function
Kidney/liver Degeneration
Slow growth/wound healing
Reduced sperm motility

Chronic low-level inflammation

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  • Detoxifies
  • Boosts immune system / cellular energy
  • Anti-inflammatory / Pain-relief
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  • Accelerates healing of tissue, bone, muscles, scars
  • Improves circulation +++

Successful electrotherapies:

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy

Near Infrared (NIR) class 4 laser therapy

Rife therapy

Ozone therapy

Essential fatty acids-related: