bottle of olive oil

We need more Omega-3

- Today's "Holy Grail" of Health!:

Abbreviations: PUFAs (Polyunsaturated  Fatty Acids), incl. the EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids): 

Omega 6 (O6)

  • LA (linolenic acid)
  • GLA (gamma-linolenic acid)
  • DGLA (Dihomo-gamma-linolenic)
  • AA (Arachidonic acid)

Omega-3 (O3):

  • ALA (alpha linolenic acid)
  • SDA (stearidonic acid)
  • EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid)
  • DHA (Docosahexenoic Acid)

Omega-3 and Omega-6 dietary fats are health "Must-haves"

Today's typical diet has an abundance of "call-to-action" O6 fat, and a woefully deficient amount of "calming" O3

Today's O6 to O3 dietary ratio has drastically changed compared to 100 years ago. 

The invention of the seed press introduced copious amounts of O6-rich soybean and corn oils into our food supply.

Prior to the introduction of commercially processed oils in the 1930’s, small amounts of both O6 and O3 EFAs were traditionally consumed in a more-or-less balanced ratio, that ratio is now estimated at > 10:1.

Food soy oil production increased 1000-fold during the 1900’s, especially in processed foods, coupled with the market push to switch from butter to corn-based margarine. 

Meat from non-grass-fed animals and unpastured-poultry are low in O3 content

O3 fat is no longer obtained from poultry spending time outdoors eating worms and bugs.

Livestock are fattened in confinement, raised on predominately O6-rich, corn /soy diets (corn and soy are government subsidized (50 people on the Forbes 400 list of wealthiest Americans received farm subsidies, while 62% of U.S. farms did not), and low omega-3 diet  (E.g. O3 content of beef from grass-fed cows is up to 4%, compared to 0.5% for corn-fed cows).

People are not eating oily fish or other rich sources of O3.

Many people simply don’t like the taste of fish.

Salmon is expensive and farmed salmon (fed O3) is likely to contain toxins.

Omega-3-rich partridge and flax seeds are rarely on the menu, and —- when did you last enjoy some O3-rich eyeballs, brains or testicles (“Rocky mountain oysters”) with your fries?

Nutrients required to convert omega-3 ALA plant sources to needed EPA and DHA may be missing from our diet

Lack of dietary O3 is now a well-recognized culprit for the common and serious health issues seen today

Scientific studies reflecting this problem have become particularly abundant in more recent years.

Problems helped by consuming sufficient omega-3 fat
AIDSCerebral PalsyLupus
ADHD zzzChronic Fatigue SyndromeMultiple Sclerosis (M.S.)
AllergiesChronic InflammationNerve transmission problems
Alzheimer’sCongestive Heart FailureNervous Disorders zzz
Anxiety zzzDepression zzzParkinson’s Disease
Arterial CirculationDiabetes mellitus^^^Peripheral Neuropathy (nerve damage)
ArthritisEar wax (excess)PMS
ArrythmiaEczemaPoor circulation
AtherosclerosisFatigue^Raynaud’s Disease
Autoimmune disorders#Heart DiseaseSenility
Blood ClotsHigh CholesterolTourette’s Syndrome
Bueurger’s disease###HyperactivityWound healing
Cancer**Inflammatory Conditions (all)Weight Management##
Cardiovascular disease*
* Lowers cardiovascular risk factors^ Raises energy levels, stamina# Dampens immune symptoms
** Inhibits cancer growth and metastasis^^ Improves bone mineralisation## Increases thermogenesis (fat burning), decreases fat production
*** Speeds healing from injury physical exertion, surgery^^^ Increases INSULIN sensitivity### Bueurger’s disease – blood vessel obstruction in hands/feet
zzz Improves concentration, learning, calmness, behavior and IQ

We need to purposefully obtain "calming", anti-inflammatory omega-3 - Which turns out to be quite a challenge!

Most significant dietary sources of omega-3 are:

Oily fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines), grass-fed beef and poultry, game, eyeballs, brain, testes, and oils in flax, chia, blackcurrant and hemp seed. The plant sources require conversion of omega-3 ALA to its necessary active forms: EPA and DHA, which conversion requires certain nutrients and has several obstacles.

The “O3-Fix”

Lacking sufficient omega-3 fat in our diet, The “O3-Fix” is a delicious “home-made”, daily protocol for the purpose of obtaining sufficient, health-efficacious sources of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids – and as an inherent bonus – it also provides significantly health-beneficial lignans and fiber.

Do we need to curb the amount of inflammatory / "call-to-action" O6 we eat?

Which foods contain O6?

Linoleic acid (LA), which can be enzymatically converted to predominately inflammatory / “call-to-action” arachidonic acid (AA)  is the most consumed dietary EFA comprising 70% of O6 intake (and up to 30% of consumed calories). 

LA is mostly obtained from O6-rich soybean, sunflower, corn, and cottonseed OILS, margarine (partially hydrogenated vegetable oils) and shortening (hydrogenated vegetable oils).

Which foods typically supply LA in U.S.?
Chicken / chicken dishes17%Cold-cuts3%
Grain-based desserts (cakes, cookies, etc)9%Pork / Pork dishes3%
Beef / beef dishes7%Mexican dishes3%
Sausage, franks, bacon and ribs7%Pizza3%
Fish / Fish dishes6%Turkey3%
Burgers5%Pasta / pasta dishes2%

Studies reveal that the body may be limiting conversion of excess dietary O6 LA to inflammatory AA

Studies are indicating that our body may be dealing with our increased intake of O6 LA by limiting its conversion to the more inflammatory / actve form arachidonic acid (AA).

Additionally, IF we have consumed them, omega-3 fatty acids can block LA conversion to Omega-6 AA (and its subsequent production of predominately inflammatory eicosanoids).

Chronic low-level inflammation

- The Medical kit of the future


  • Detoxification
  • Boost immune system / cellular energy
  • Anti-inflammatory / Pain-relief
  • Insomnia / Reduce stress
  • Accelerates healing of tissue, bone, muscles, scars
  • Improve circulation +++

Successful electrotherapies:

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy Near Infrared (NIR) class 4 laser therapy
Rife therapy
Ozone therapy

Omega-3 fix: