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bottle of olive oil

EFAs reduce blood sugar levels / INSULIN resistance

EFAs reduce insulin resistance in type II diabetics by affecting cellular membrane integrity.

EFAs for brain and nervous system

- Omega-3 fats EPA & DHA affect our mood, intelligence and behaviour

EFAs maintain cell membrane integrity in CNS

Central Nervous System (CNS) consists of your brain (your body’s main information processor) and an estimated 100 billion nerve cells. Nerve cell function in the CNS is critically dependent on proper CELL WALL FLUIDITY, FLEXIBILITY and PERMEABILITY, provided by the presence of EFAs

A high percentage of brain and nervous system cells are EPA and DHA

 A normal brain’s fat is 25% DHA. EFAs make up 20% of nerve cell membranes.

Brain function

Omega-6 AA comprises 12% of the brain’s total fat, and in balance with Omega-3 has a positive effect on all brain functions.


Brain cell communication

DHA helps to hold the cell’s receptors in place in the nerve relay stations (synapses) so that neurotransmitters can “dock” there. This enables brain cells to communicate properly, which prevents nervous disorders, and also affects memory and learning ability.

neurotransmitter receptors
DHAs help hold neurotransmitter receptors in place

Intra-nerve communication

EPA assists in communications within nerve cells – important in alleviating depression.

Brain development

DHA is essential for normal brain development and is critical for a baby during pregnancy and after birth

Mood control

DHA raises SEROTONIN (mood hormone) levels.   Clinically depressed people have 35% less stored DHA.

EPA can lower chemicals (TNF-α and Interleukin-1ß) – whose elevated levels are associated with severity of depression.

Stress alleviation

DHA helps modulate stress levels by supporting the high energy needs of the adrenal glands and their production of adrenaline.

Some brain/ nerve related conditions caused by DHA / EPA deficiency:


EFAs are anti-cancer

Omega 3 EPA:

• Inhibits COX-2 enzyme which promotes breast cancer  Pubmed

• Activates a type of cell membrane receptor which can shut down proliferative
activity in a variety of cells including breast cells called peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptor PPAR-α.  This increases expression of tumor suppressor genes BRCA1 and BRCA2, which when functioning normally, help repair damage to DNA.

EFAs for cardiovascular health

Slippery property affects blood clotting / Prevents thrombosis.

EFA prostaglandins reduce platelet stickiness. Red blood cell membranes contain 45% phospholipids.

Control Blood Pressure. Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids in the right ratio prevent /lower high blood pressure. Also, Omega-3 DHA supports the adrenal glands in their production of the fluid-controlling hormone ALDOSTERONE.

Stimulate Blood Circulation / Prevent Varicose Veins and Raynaud’s Disease

Regulate Blood triglycerides Omega-3 fat lowers high triglycerides by up to 65%. 

Lower LDL Cholesterol /Prevent Hardening of the Arteries. Extra cholesterol is hooked up (esterified) to EFAs for transport in the bloodstream to the liver, to be changed into bile acids. This lowers elevated blood cholesterol significantly.

Support artery wall elasticity

Help generate electric currents for a properly sequenced heart beat / Prevent arrhythmia.  Heart tissues require EFAs to function properly.

EFAs support kidney function / Reduce water retention

EPA produces prostaglandins promoting kidney excretion

EFAs reduce water retention

EFAs support high energy adrenal gland function

EFA supported adrenal glands reduce sodium retention, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, and edema.  Adrenal glands (one located on top of each kidney), produce the hormone aldosterone, which controls blood salt levels and helps control kidney function and overall fluid concentrations in the body. (Edema is common with swollen ankles, PMS, cancer, and cardiovascular disease;

EFAs for weight management

Anti-thyroid effect. 

PUFAs block thyroid hormone secretion, its movement in the circulatory system, and the response of tissues to the hormone.
Research shows that polyunsaturated vegetable oils promote weight gain.   In the late 1940s, it was found that corn and soy beans have an anti-thyroid effect enabling animals to be fattened at low cost. These PUFAs are now fed to animals, e.g. pigs, to fatten them and cause their usually, predominantly saturated fat to become polyunsaturated.

EFAs for growth and repair

EFAs required for normal growth and wound repair

EFAs regulate and energize cell division.   EFAs form part of the membrane of the newly formed healthy cell. DHA and AA regulate nuclear transcription factors

EFA eicosanoids (particularly EPA) may be involved in building skeletal muscle mass.  And countering muscle atrophy in muscle-disuse or with cachexia (wasting away) in cancer.   McGlory et al, 2019

EFAs Essential for hair and nail growth.  

EFAs make hair shiny and healthy looking / Strengthen

EFAs for immune system health

Excessive omega-6 fat suppresses the immune system.

In the 1970’s, sunflower oil (naturally high in omega-6 linoleic acid) emulsified with water was given as an intravenous injection to kidney transplant patients to prevent rejection – that is until an excess of cancer deaths was reported. Using excessive PUFAs in foods has the same harmful effect on the immune system.

EPA and DHA promote the immune system's T- Helper cells

T-helpers are the “Generals” of the immune system.   T-HELPER cells organize the production of antibodies to protect the body from bacteria and viruses, prevent allergies.

EPA and GLA required for balanced eicosanoid formation

Supports healthy immune responses.  Eicosanoids (Cells’ “First Responders”), such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes, act like localized hormones.

EPA counters the strong immuno-suppressive eicosanoids.    E.g. those derived from Omega-6 AA.

Prostaglandins derived from GLA are immuno-stimulating.   Via activation of T-Helper cells.

EFAs discourage access of foreign invaders to the inside of the cell

Most opportunist infections get inside cells

EFAs attract OXYGEN.   Unfriendly to bacteria.

EFAs maintain cell membrane integrity

Protects the cell.   Just as making your house with good quality materials mixed in proper proportions, will keep out wind, rain, snow, cold and insects.

EFAs escort toxins from body

EFAs react with toxic substances and disperse them from the body via the skin, intestines, kidneys and lungs.

EFAs and reproductive system

Image by Freepik

DHA provides high energy support for ovaries and testes.   For effective production of ESTROGEN and Testosterone.

EFA prostaglandins modulate pain.  Ease menstrual pain / Prevent cramping in menstrual cycle.

In pregnancy:

•   EPA helps modulate uterine contractions.  Controlled by EPA-derived prostaglandins.

•   DHA is essential for baby’s brain development;

•   DHA is required for sperm formation 

EFAs for skin care

EPA, DHA and GLA are cosmetic edibles

EFAs work their magic on the skin from the inside out

Skin Cancer.   Omega-3 protects skin from  cancer due to UV exposure. Natural Omega-3 fatty acids in cell membranes resonate with, absorb and utilize the sun’s rays to create energy by attracting oxygen to the cell. Tan better, burn less.

sun drawing

EFA-rich oils should not be applied to light-exposed skin. With exposure to light and air. they would oxidize (go rancid);

Complexion.  EFAs produce smooth, velvety skin, protecting against moisture loss. Dry skin is a good external indicator of EFA deficiency.

Dandruff. EFAs eliminate dandruff.

Skin Problems.   EPA and GLA reduce inflammatory skin disorders (e.g. eczema, psoriasis) • Topical application of borage oil reduces symptoms of atopic dermatitis in double-blind placebo-controlled study.  Kanehara, 2007

• Oral supplementation with borage oil reduces hyperproliferation of skin cells.

• Oral evening primrose oil used against psoriasis and atopic eczemaand 

EFAs in eye and vision health

More than HALF of the retina’s fatty acids are DHA.   If available, DHA is replaced every 10 days in the retina. Affects Retinal development and improves Visual ability.

EPA / DHA lowers risk of age-related macular degeneration

EFAs for digestion

  • EFAs activate bile flow for fat digestion with toxic substances and disperse them;
  • Carry fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) in bloodstream.
  • Slow carbohydrate absorption (balancing blood sugar levels).


Kanehara S, Ohtani T, Uede K, Furukawa F (2007). “Clinical effects of undershirts
coated with borage oil on children with atopic dermatitis: a double-blind, placebo-controlled
clinical trial”. J Dermatol. 34 (12): 811-5. PubMed

 Chris McGlory, Phiip C. Calder, Everson A. Nunes (2019 Sep 6) The Influence of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Skeletal Muscle Protein Turnover in Health, Disuse, and Disease. Front. Nutr.  Link

Nine Life Choices for Vibrant Health

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Attend to Diet, Lifestyle & Emotional State

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