How to obtain good Omega-6 essential fat

Our body can NOT make EFAs, so we have to include them in our diet
Omega-6 fatty acids are plentiful in our diet, but we need to obtain them from a good source  – much of the available omega-6 currently comes from refined seed oils and processed foods using them, which contain toxic fatty acids.
Some good omega-6 food sources
FRESH, RAW, ORGANIC nuts and seeds.   From online or good health food stores; pine nuts, pecans, walnuts and sunflower, pumpkin, and sesame seeds are excellent additions to a salad
- Legumes, wheat germ, lean meat
- Siberian pine nut oil – a good dressing oil for your table.
Good supplemental omega-6 sources
- Evening primrose Oil
- Borage Oil
- Blackcurrant Oil