bottle of olive oil

"Omega-3 Fix" Recipe
Budwig Salad Dressing

Provides daily maintenance flax oil and flaxseed for the"Omega-3 Fix"
You will need to attend to ALL the details of this powerful omega-3 therapy

The Core Ingredients

Please also read important ingredient details at bottom of page

Flax Oil

ORGANIC, FRESH, COLD-PRESSED (kept refrigerated, not frozen, in opaque bottle). NOT HIGH LIGNAN

Sulfurated Protein

Choose one:

Cottage cheese  – PLAIN, LOW Fat (1%)

YOGURT ORGANIC, PLAIN , LOW-FAT. Greek or regular.


Instructions for Budwig Salad Dressing

(1) Tbsp. oil yields enough dressing for 2 salads. Dressing should be consumed on the day it is made.

(1) Blend together (1) (2) Tbsp. Flax Oil, with either:


(a)  (1) (2) Tbsp. organic milk 

    + (1) (2) Tbsp. LOW FAT (1%) cottage cheese


(b)  (2) (4) Tbsp. organic, PLAIN, LOW FAT yogurt

Use a flexible spatula to scrape the bottom and sides of blender and blend until smooth and no oil is visible (oil has become water soluble).

(2)  Then add / blend into the now non-oily mixture:

•   (½) (1) Tbsp. lemon juice and/or organic, raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar

•   (½) (1) tsp. raw honey
•   (½) (1) tsp. mustard
•   A little Celtic Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt to taste
•   Or experiment with other herbs / flavors. E.g. Skip the mustard and add mashed raspberries for a raspberry vinaigrette dressing. Be imaginative! 


(3)   Optionally add some chopped health food store pickles (no preservatives!)

Don’t keep leftovers! 

Allow at least 90 minutes before or after taking antioxidant supplements such as vitamin E.


Ingredient details

Flax Oil

 1. BOUGHT FRESH oil.  In opaque bottles from the store’s refrigerated section or order online (check press date on bottle – you want it as FRESH as possible. Flora and Spectrum brands have a good reputation. Check dates on bottle.

or 2. PRESS YOUR OWN flax seeds to ensure FRESHNESS.  Use an expeller press on LOW heat. (Takes about 20 mins. to press 2# flax seeds yielding 10-12 oz flax oil).

To slow oxidation (going rancid) – Keep opened and unopened oil in the fridge. You can freeze it — but it does not preserve its beneficial electrons any longer than in the fridge.


Low fat dairy has higher sulfurated amino acid content than dairy with higher fat. 

Making your own cottage cheese or yogurt from raw milk, (keeping temp under 110 °F  considered raw)  avoids the denaturing of some milk proteins via pasteurization. 

However, this Italian study found that typical vat pasteurization at 145°F (62°C) for 30 mins. does not significantly damage the sulfurated amino acids important to this protocol. Study link

Chronic low-level inflammation

- The Medical kit of the future


  • Detoxification
  • Boost immune system / cellular energy
  • Anti-inflammatory / Pain-relief
  • Insomnia / Reduce stress
  • Accelerates healing of tissue, bone, muscles, scars
  • Improve circulation +++

Successful electrotherapies:

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy Near Infrared (NIR) class 4 laser therapy
Rife therapy
Ozone therapy

“Omega-3 Fix” recipes: