Eldi Oils in the BUDWIG PROTOCOL - Used by those who are very weak

Dr. Budwig created unique Eldi (Electron Differentiation) oils after performing precise spectroscopic measurements of the light absorption in different oils.
Specifying that the oils contained “pi-electron clouds from alpha-linolenic acid (ALA, an omega 3 fatty acid) and linoleic acid (LA, omega 6) plus vitamin E in its natural complex, etheric oils and sulfhydryl groups.”
Dr. Budwig used the Eldi Oils extensively on her patients for external massage and in an enema.
Bear in mind that most of her patients were in a very weak condition. The oils have been successfully used against tumor pain as enemas and in body massage.
Eldi Oils are only sold in Germany and are not cheap.
Eldi oil for external massage
Eldi Oils ADDED to the BUDWIG PROTOCOL for external massage.
Those who choose to omit them should not be too concerned, since success was achieved before they were introduced to the protocol.
Procedure for Eldi massage oil
- In the morning, rub Eldi Oil into the skin of the entire body. Concentrating on the lymphatic areas (i.e. armpits, breast and groin), as well as the problem areas.
- Leave the oil on skin for about 15-20 minutes – For best effect, lie in the sun or under a FAR infrared lamp.
- Take a warm shower without using soap (to open up pores and aid absorption), then follow a few minutes later with another shower using soap (prevents oils from soiling linens)
Eldi oil used in an enema
(For those too weak to do standard protocol)
For those too weak to eat the cottage cheese/flax oil mixture, Eldi oils (or pure flax oil if Eldi oil not available) can be used in an enema as an alternative to the standard BUDWIG PROTOCOL.
Dr. Budwig used these enemas when patients first arrived from the hospital having been sent home for their final hours. She would also have the patient spend time in the sun. Within a few days, many would revive enough to continue with the cottage cheese/ flax oil protocol and proceed to get better.