How to do the "Omega-3 Fix" - Omega-3 +++

Recommended for health maintenance and for those with health problems
Flaxseed and flax oil
The seeds and their oil provide omega-3 ALA with its high-energy electrons for cellular energy production. O3 ALA can be converted by enzymes to the needed EPA and DHA fatty acids but may be a challenge for some people, since the conversion is inhibited or enhanced by several factors, including your health status and age. Study results are mixed, but most agree that O3ALA at least converts to EPA. Some people may need to obtain DHA directly from marine oil supplements.
Can we convert plant O3 ALA to the needed EPA/DHA – Or must we get them directly from marine oil supplements?”
The flax seeds additionally provide fiber and are a superlative source of the all important lignans, with their many health benefits.
FlaxSEED daily dose
3 TBSP. coarsely ground FLAXSEED (from 2½ Tbsp. whole flaxseed). Preferably fresh-ground.
Contains 1 Tbsp. flax OIL providing health-boosting omega-3 ALA, in addition to beneficial LIGNANS, and SOLUBLE and INSOLUBLE FIBER. Higher doses of the seed are generally not recommended because of its high lignan (phytoestrogen) content.
Flax OIL daily dose
1 TBSP. organic, low-heat extracted, quality FLAX OIL. Supplies extra omega-3 ALA
Additionally - For serious health problems
Consume up to 8 additional Tbsps. flax OIL. How many tbsps. depends on the severity of health problem, for example:
• 6-8 Tbsp. / day for people with cancer;
• 4 Tbsp. / day (min.) for diabetics.
Recipes for dressings, vegetable spreads and more are used to consume the required higher amounts of oil.
Flax oil is made more bioavailable by blending with sulfur-rich dairy product
Fresh, low-heat, expeller-pressed Flax Oil is necessarily blended with a food having a high-level of sulfur-containing amino-acids (E.g. Cottage cheese, Yogurt, or Whey protein powder), This makes the oil water-soluble, which improves delivery of flaxseed oil’s rich source of omega-3 ALA and high-energy electrons to the body’s cells, as in the Dr. Buwig’s OIl / protein diet. It also enables the digestive process to bypass by the liver.
"O3 Fix" Recipes to attain daily doses of flax oil and seed
Daily maintenance dose of flax oil and flaxseed is met with ONE of these choices::
Serious health issues requiring higher doses of flax OIL utilize some additional recipes:
Oleolux (butter substitute)
Marine Oil
Marine oil contains omega-3 EPA and DHA, which produce health-mediating eicosanoids (Cell’s “First Responders”). EPA eicosanoids counter inflammation, mediate immune system response, protect the heart, reduce blood pressure, dilate bronchial passages, protect stomach lining, reduce cell proliferation (as in cancer), DHA eicosanoids are particularly necessary for normal nerve and brain function and need to be present to prevent undue depression and anxiety. Ideally, omega-3 ALA in flaxseed converts to EPA and DHA, but since this conversion can be a challenge, it is wise to ensure a daily marine oil supplement or regularly eat oily fish.
Recommended daily dose of 400-500 mg EPA and DHA from OILY FISH or MARINE OIL supplement.
Marine oil supplement
Marine oil supplements are available as a fish body oil (e,g wild salmon oil), krill oil or fish liver oil (e.g. cod liver oil). These are found in varying degrees of omega-3 content and purity (may contain harmful contaminants and free radicals), produced using different processing methods.
Oily fish
Oily fish is the only significant food source of omega-3 EPA and DHA.
Eating at least 2 servings of oily fish, such as wild-caught N. Pacific and Alaskan salmon (Atlantic salmon is toxic) will alleviate the need for a supplement.
Other IMPORTANT components of the "O3 Fix"
The “O3 Fix” includes a specific diet, some specific supplements, taking the sun & relaxation
"O3 Fix" Diet
- Minimizes foods /supplements that interfere with cellular energy production
× Carbohydrate-rich foods / Sugar. A little honey is OK. Stevia is good sweetener; Pasta, commercial white or brown bread (wholegrain is preferred if at all), omit beer with serious illness. Refined cereals are a “no”.
× Animal fats (pork fat is most deleterious); Butter in moderation is good for the healthy, but to be omitted whilst overcoming ill-health; instead use Oleolux.
× Meat. Its highly acidic effect in the body and its energy and enzyme-consuming metabolism omits it from the diet of those who are in extreme ill-health. As you improve, or if reasonably healthy, adding minimal quantities of 100% organic grass-fed beef or organic pastured chicken (ideally not frozen) provides some protein.
× Processed oils – margarine, processed foods, salad dressings (except made with cold-pressed unsaturated oils, especially flax oil, extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil); contain damaged / toxic fats, and processing has reduced the presence of their energy-providing electrons.
× Foods high in preservatives;
× Shellfish
× Processed cheese. Hard cheeses are good. Preferably from raw milk. Goat cheese even better. Processed cheese is a “no”.
× Nutritionless snacks. Instead nibble on raw (not roasted) nuts (no peanuts), unsulfured dried fruits, fresh fruit, hard cheese.
× Fried foods. Except if using coconut or avocado oil, then only once in a while.
× Leftovers. Have lost their nutritional value. Except, it’s ok to use same day mineral/vitamin-rich vegetable cooking water as a basis for making soup.
× Regular table salt. Instead use sea or Himalayan salt for trace minerals;
× Excessive amounts of antioxidants. Antioxidants consumed in food or taken in physiological doses are OK, but high amounts in such as the high dose vitamin C therapies Rath Cellular Solution or Rath / Pauling Therapy, NOT be taken within 90 mins. of consuming Budwig ingredients.
√ A glass of red wine or champagne / day (optional)
√ Eggs. Great for the healthy, but avoid if stepping-up the protocol for extreme ill health.
World-renowned fats expert Dr. Johanna Budwig, founder of the original oil/ protein protocol, details her diet plan in “The Oil Protein Diet Cook Book”
Supplements to aid fatty acid conversion enzymes

- Magnesium (400-600 mg / day) – 200 mg at each meal
- Zinc (Women 8 mg / day, Men 11 mg / day)
- Vitamins B3, B6 (In a Vitamin B-complex supplement)
- Vitamin C (in fresh fruit)
Daily time in the sun
In moderation, it is essential for health that we “plug-into” the sun.

This free source of energetic photons (“Solar electrons”) is delivered to the body via the skin, eyes and acupuncture points to be absorbed by any sun-derived electrons in the body. These are inherently abundant in the electron clouds (Pi-electrons) at each bend (double carbon bond) in polyunsaturated fatty acids, so richly found in flaxseed oil.
Skin cancer was not an issue, until man’s diet became devoid of undamaged (i.e. not heat-processed) omega-3 and omega-6 essential fats. These fatty acids end up in our cell membranes where they vibrate with and absorb energy from the sun, which is then stored until needed.
To obtain those electrons, take a sunbath:
- 20-40 minutes each day.
- Between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. (yes – I know – you think that’s the worst time of day – but that’s when you get the best rays for vitamin D, without the burning /tanning rays).
- No suntan lotion or sunglasses and remove as many clothes as you dare without scaring the neighbors!
Relaxation and emotional / spiritual well-being
- Take a walk with nature
- Get enough restorative rest and sleep
Not to be overlooked – we need to attend to our emotional and spiritual well-being – which may actually be the root cause of physical problems.
- A positive relationship with God has been proven to help our health and recovery.
- A simple DIY “tapping” therapy, called Meridan Tapping Technique, is an incredible “tool” for addressing deep-seated emotional issues. Another strongly recommended tactic to consider is Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES), using an actual tool, for example, the SOTA Biotuner
Special situations for taking flax oil
Flax oil for the seriously ill
Best to build up slowly to high amounts to allow body to adjust to protocol.
People with liver or pancreatic cancer may have to build up very slowly, starting with just 1 teaspoon of oil, to give time for their body to adjust to protocol’s powerful effects.
Suggestions for how to incorporate these large amounts of flax oil into your daily diet are found at:
Daily Meal Plan for BUDWIG PROTOCOL – For cancer or other serious health conditions
(Not yet available)
Once health condition is under control, you’ll need to continue with a maintenance dose.
A coffee enema protects the liver as the body undergoes detoxification (This is IMPORTANT for those with a serious health problem such as cancer).
Coffee enemas aid elimination of toxic waste from the body by stimulating the waste-filtering liver to secrete its waste into the bile, which expels its contents into the small intestine for removal from the body. A person with advanced cancer undergoing the BUDWIG PROTOCOL is certainly facing a liver full of toxins, including dead and dying cancer cells. Used for several decades, there is no better treatment than a coffee enema to enable release and elimination of toxins. Cancer may require up to two coffee enemas / day.
Eldi oils for the very weak
Dr. Budwig added Eldi oils to enhance her protocol:
- As a massage – to enhance the main protocol or for those who are very weak
- As an enema – for those who who were too weak to do the protocol
Eldi Oils in the Budwig Protocol
Feeding tube Application
- Thoroughly mix 1 Tbsp. flax oil into ¼ Cup organic kefir until oil is no longer visible, then pour into the feeding tube (make sure there is no oil floating on top).
- Give throughout the day;
Lactose intolerance
If you are Lactose-Intolerant (often a consequence of a lack of beneficial bacteria and enzymes in milk/dairy products, which were destroyed by pasteurization).
- Use raw goat or cow milk / products (if you can get them).
- Take lactase enzymes with dairy product.
- Make / buy kefir quark (use kefir grains to make kefir, remove grains and strain through muslin)
**Other benefits of whey protein
Whey protein is a COMPLETE protein (contains all essential amino acids)
Glutathione – whey protein provides not only cysteine, but also glycine and glutamate amino acids for production of the important antioxidant glutathione to protect watery parts of all cells
- Joint and muscle health. Promotes muscle strength, endurance and recovery
- Immune health / beneficial gut bacteria
- Healthy metabolic rate and fat-burning
Sulfurated Protein in protocol ingredients(Amino acids Methionine + Cystine) |
FLAX OIL: Fresh expeller-pressed, without lignans |
1 Tbsp. FLAX OIL |
2 Tbsp. FLAX OIL |
4 Tbsp. FLAX OIL |
Cottage cheeseORGANIC, LOW FAT * (2%) Sulfurated Protein (SP): 3.15mg / g) |
45 mg SP / Tbsp Cottage Cheese |
2 Tbsp. | 4 Tbsp. | 8 Tbsp. |
SP Content: | 90 mg | 180 mg | 360 mg | |
YogurtORGANIC, LOW FAT*, PLAIN or GREEK (SP: 2.03 mg / g) 1 T yogurt is 14.18g |
~30 mg SP /Tbsp Yogurt |
3 Tbsp. ¼- C |
6 Tbsp. 3/8 C |
12 Tbsp. ¾ C |
SP Content: | 90 mg | 180 mg | 360 mg | |
Whey Protein ConcentrateORGANIC, RAW, GRASS-FED, (NOT protein isolates or with lignans) (SP: 33 mg / g) 1 T concentrated whey powder is 5g (Ref: USDA) |
165 mg SP / 5g Tbsp Whey |
½+ Tbsp. | 1¼ Tbsp. | 2 Tbsp.+ |
SP Content: | 90 mg | 206 mg | 360 mg | |
Data source: USDA Nutrient Database *Low fat dairy has a greater sulfurated amino acid content than dairy with higher fat |