bottle of olive oil

"Omega-3 Fix" Recipe
Oats 'n' Flax Porridge

Provides daily maintenance flax oil and seeds for the "O3 Fix"
For success -Attend to ALL the details of this powerful omega-3 therapy

Instructions for Oats 'n' Flax Porridge

(for 1 (2) or (4) people)

For expediency, you can skip STEP 1 when making this breakfast treat and just have the flaxseed without the blended flax oil and sulfur.  However, many health issues are related to having low omega-3 levels and adding the flax oil will provide the extra omega-3 you need.

Step 1: BLEND Flax oil with sulfur-rich dairy

Sulfur-containing amino acids react with oil's high energy, electron-rich fatty acids to enhance their delivery to cells by making them water soluble.

Flax oil specifics

ORGANIC, FRESH, LOW-HEAT EXPELLER-PRESSED (kept refrigerated or frozen, in opaque bottle). NOT HIGH LIGNAN (don’t pay oil prices for lignans, cheaper from seeds). Use within 1 month of opening. Keeps up to 12 months if no air in bottle. Flora® (removes oxygen from top of bottle) and Spectrum® are good brands,

Daily MAINTENANCE Flax Oil dose

1-2 Tbsp. Flax oil / PERSON / DAY (at least 2 Tbsp. if over #200).

Best tools for blending?

Use an electric stick blender or container blender (if adding a significant amount of other ingredients as in the fruit slushy and creamy dessert recipes) to combine oil and sulfur-rich dairy choice until smooth and no oil is visible. If using a container blender, you will need to add some water to cover the blades, especially if using Whey protein powder. 

How much sulfur-rich dairy to use?

Blend EACH TABLESPOON of Flax Oil with (Choose ONE or a proportionate mixture of any, e.g. 1/2 one and double another):

  • 1 Tbsp. Whey protein powder (measured accurately) – COLD-PROCESSED (can be low-heat pasteurized) from RAW, ORGANIC (at least Non-GMO) GRASS-fed cows’ milk. Unsweetened, and NOT protein ISOLATES (missing nutrients) or acid-processed. Check out “Raw Grass Fed Whey”, sold on Amazon. Current link
  • 2 Tbsp. Cottage cheese – PLAIN, LOW Fat (1%)
  • 3 Tbsp. Yogurt – ORGANIC, PLAIN , LOW-FAT. Greek or regular.

Note: LOW fat dairy has higher sulfur content than dairy with higher fat

An example If making recipe for 2 people using 1 Tbsp. flax oil each, blend 2 Tbsp. oil with 2 Tbsp. (1 Tbsp whey / Tbsp. oil) Whey protein powder.

Step 2: Prepare flaxseed (for 1 person)

Best if COARSELY ground just before use in a mini-grinder.  Dr. Johanna Budwig emphasized that flaxseeds should be consumed within 15-20 minutes of grinding to retain benefit of sun-energized electrons. Use golden (mildest taste) or brown, small or large seeds. Kept whole and refrigerated in opaque bag, can be stored for several months.

Grind the daily Flaxseed dose

3 Tbsp. (from 2½ Tbsp. whole seeds) / PERSON / DAY


(Provides: 1 Tbsp Flax oil + lignans + fiber

Step 3: Make the porridge (for 1 (2) or (4) people)

♦ Simmer In a small pan until oatmeal is softened

  • 1/2+ (1+) (2+) Cup(s) water 
  • 1       (2)    (4) Tbsp. old-fashioned rolled oats (cooking time lessened if allowed to presoak for 15 mins or if oats are ground for < 1 sec in a mini-processor) . 

Can substitute any or all Tbsp(s) of oats with 1 Tbsp. Almond flour + ½ tsp. chia seeds. 

  • Good pinch of salt
  • ¼ (½) (1) tsp. ground cinnamon (use self-ground organic cinnamon sticks for anti-inflammatory benefits)

 ♦ Remove from heat and allow to cool for a couple minutes, then stir in:

  • (6) (12) TBSP.  ORGANIC, ground flaxseed

 (Preferably fresh-ground using 2½ (5) (10)  TBSP. flaxseed)

♦ Stir prepared Flax oil / sulfur-rich dairy mixture into porridge (if you are including it).

Stir in a little extra hot water if mixture looks too stiff to serve.

♦ Pour into 1 (2) or (4) cereal bowls and top with:

  • Fresh fruits / berries / banana slices
  • Some nuts: Pecans or walnuts are good
  • A drizzle of maple syrup
  • A little milk or unsweetened, plain yogurt (optional)



Immediately consume this delicious, healthy breakfast 

Allow at least 90 minutes before or after taking antioxidant supplements such as vitamin E

Chronic low-level inflammation

- The Medical kit of the future


  • Detoxification
  • Boost immune system / cellular energy
  • Anti-inflammatory / Pain-relief
  • Insomnia / Reduce stress
  • Accelerates healing of tissue, bone, muscles, scars
  • Improve circulation +++

Successful electrotherapies:

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy Near Infrared (NIR) class 4 laser therapy
Rife therapy
Ozone therapy

“Omega-3 Fix” recipes: