Chart of Recommended DAILY Supplements / Nutrients (adults)

Water![]() 6-8 8oz. glasses | SPRING / MINERAL Water is best (contains minerals); Add fresh lemon slices for a zingy taste. DO NOT DRINK “Treated” (chlorinated and/or fluoridated) water from faucet. Body is > 2/3 water; used as lubricant, base for saliva, joint fluids, regulates body temperature, detox. agent, alleviates constipation, regulates metabolism; Neutralizes acidity; ~ 75% in U.S. have mild, chronic dehydration. |
Green Drink Organic, whole food supplement 2 Tbsp./day | A quality, powdered, whole food “green” drink ensures MOST of your day’s needed vitamins, minerals, trace-minerals, enzymes and protein amino acids in bioavailable food-form. Someone with a serious health problem should take a quality Green Drink twice/day.Take Green Drink James Bond style – i.e. “Shaken, not stirred”) in diluted juice (preferably using 1/2 a fresh lemon or lime). If utilizing the Rath/Pauling Therapy (see below), you can add the powdered ingredients to improve taste. |
COLLAGEN PRODUCTION (in addition to | |
Selenium (200mcg/day seleno-methionine) | Part of body’s main AO enzyme GPx *; prevents cancer, boosts immunity; lifts mood; antiviral; Brazil nuts (1 fresh shelled ~100mcg, 1 pre-shelled ~12-25mcg); garlic grown in Se-rich soil; |
Manganese: Whole grain, nuts, seeds, chickpeas; | Part of AO enzyme SOD**; Cofactor for procollagen synthesis; |
Zinc (~8 (W) -11 (M) mg /day) (supplement as zinc acetate, zinc gluconate, zinc picolinate, or zinc sulfate). | Part of AO enzyme SOD**; Cofactor for procollagen synthesis; 1/4 Cup Soaked/sprouted raw or dry-roasted pumpkin seeds contains ~4 mg; 3.5oz beef / pork / chicken contains ~3-5mg; 1/4; shellfish is a high zinc source but not recommended because of toxin content; |
Copper (2-4 mg /day) | Part of AO enzyme SOD**; component of enzyme (lysyl oxidase) required to make collagen/elastin. |
Iron (~15mg/day) | Iron is a cofactor in collagen manufacture (hydroxylates proline and lysine);if supplementing prefer ferrous sulphate, fumarate, gluconate, or ascorbate. |
*GPx (Glutathione Peroxidase) – body’s main antioxidant enzyme for reducing lipid reactive oxidants and for reducing hydrogen peroxide (source of hydroxyl radicals) to water in reactions requiring glutathione (PRIMARY antioxidant and detoxifier in cell’s cytoplasm). **SOD (Superoxide Dismutase) – is a major antioxidant endogenous enzyme; SOD removes the superoxide radical (a source of hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical); Concentration of SOD in mammals is directly proportional to life span. | |
VITAMIN A (β-carotene) 10,000 IU | Vitamin A – butter, cream, cheese, WHOLE milk, 1 tsp. quality cod liver oil; β-carotene (Must eat fat for its conversion to Vitamin A) E.g. 2 Carrots, ½ C boiled spinach, broccoli,sweet potatoes, apricots, acorn squash, pumpkin, cantaloupe, mango, collard greens; |
B VITAMINS: | Convert homocysteine (byproduct from meat and dairy metabolism) to less toxic amino acids. |
B3 (niacin) (Â 20 mg NE/day) (supplement as nicotinamide, aka nicotinamide – close to active form NAD) B3 Therapeutic dose: 1000-1500 mg /day (in divided doses) | NE stands for Niacin Equivalents. 1 NE = 1 mg niacin = 60 mg tryptophan (this amino acid can be converted to niacin in the body). Yeast, meat and legumes are good low-sugar sources.Therapetic dose only for those who want to lower cholesterol – dose begins at ~1000mg for most people. Inositol hexaniacinate is a “flush-free” niacin supplement / minimizes liver damage; |
B6 (pyridoxine) (< 65 yrs: 2mg / day;Â >=65 yrs: 3 mg / day) (supplement as pyridoxine hydrochloride) | Underlying systemic inflammation (present in most diseases) tends to lower body’s B6 status. Wild salmon, turkey, chicken, spinach and hazelnuts are good low-sugar sources. Also bananas, russet potatoes and prunes are good B3 sources. |
B9 (folic acid) (400-1200 mcg /day) | Â |
(100-200 mcg / day) | Â |
VITAMIN C (Ascorbic Acid): Moderate amounts in fresh fruits and vegetables | Largely destroyed by high heat and > 2 months freezing; dissolves in cooking water (somewhat retained in soup water); Recycles vitamin E; Chelating (metal grabbing); MAJOR ANTIOXIDANT; Cofactor for collagen/elastin production – main components of cartilage, ligaments, tendons in joints, bones and teeth; reason why broken bones regenerate and wounds heal; strengthens blood vessels (preventing atherosclerosis); responsible for skin strength and elasticity (without which we are looking at wrinkles!) Central Nervous System has inbuilt double-pumps to increase its cellular vitamin C intake (i.e your brain knows its importance). |
Vitamin C  1g (~½tsp) x 3 doses (preventative) /2g x 3 doses (therapeutic) /3g x 3 doses (serious therapeutic) | These doses only apply to Rath-Pauling Therapy |
Lysine 1g x3 /2g x3 /3g x 3 doses | Needed to make connective tissue collagen and elastin; also prevents collagen breakdown; |
Proline .5g x 1 /.5g x2 /.5g x 3 doses | Needed to make connective tissue collagen and elastin; |
EGCG 200 mg 4 times / day, if cancer present) | RATH CELLULAR SOLUTION (enhances Rath-Pauling therapy to prevent cancer metasasis): Powerful AO found in green tea. add EGCG and extra Proline to THERAPEUTIC dose of Rath- Pauling Therapy. Daily doses: 2g Vitamin C 3x / day; 2g Lysine 3x / day; 0.5g Proline 4 x /day; 200 mg EGCG 4x / day |
Vitamin D 2000-4000 IU | Required for mineral absorption; 30 mins. Sunbathing provides about 1000 IU; 1 tsp. Green Pasturesâ„¢cod liver oil = ~1100 IU; only in fats of animals that have been in the sun or ate D. |
Vitamin E 400 IU / day | Use natural mixed d-forms of tochopherol (not synthetic dl-forms); major antioxidant; In wheatgerm, nuts and seeds; protects essential fatty acids from oxidation. |
Vitamin K (K1 & K2) K2 – | Potent AO against heart disease and osteoporosis (activates osteocalcin – structural framework helps anchor calcium in bone); needed to clot blood (to convert prothrombin to thrombin); K1 form is in dark green leafy vegetables, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, liver, egg yolks, butter, grains, avocado, kiwi, cod liver oil; If supplementing, use K2 (form made by your intestinal bacteria)Â Vitamin K |
CoQ10 Ubiquinol is active form (superior to ubiquinone). Typical dose – 100 mg | Supplement if over 40, also a vital supplement if taking statin drugs, which interfere with body’s manufacture of COQ10. Essential for energy production in cell mitochondria (heart uses high energy for pumping action and electrical function); powerful fat-soluble antioxidant; helps lower blood pressure; Mostly synthesized by body (but decreases with age), diet supplies ~10% – beef (8oz=>8mg), organ meats, sardines, mackerel. |
FIBERDo not eat isolated oat or wheat bran in any | |
FLAX SEED (Organic, Fresh-ground or cold-milled) 1-2 Tbsp /day | Absolutely the best way to achieve regularity! AAlso supplies anti-inflammatory Omega-3 ALA fatty acids for soft skin, heart, brain, nerve function, joints, and much more. Eat ground flax seed in oatmeal /pancakes /bread /cookies /muffins / on salads;Creamed flax Recipe: 1-3T ground flax, ½- 1C milk, + optional spoonful plain yogurt / fruit |
Prunes Just a few | Time-tested to maintain regularity |
Iodine 6 mg (~1 drop 5% Lugol’s) | E.g. Lugol’s solution (50/50 iodine /potassium iodide) or Iodoralâ„¢(tablet form of Lugol’s solution); Take with a mealIodine is a typically deficient, yet crucial mineral; Anti-cancer(esp. breast, uterine, prostate, ovarian); needed to balance our over-exposure to chlorine, bromide and fluoride. Japanese typically eat ~6mg /day. |
Magnesium 200 mg 2x/day | Reduces blood pressure (by relaxing arterial smooth muscles); controls heart arrhythmia; increases survival rate of heart attack victims. Take with a mealBest oral Mg supplements are minerally chelated: magnesium-(glycinate, lysinate, orotate, succinate, taurinate, aspartate, alpha-ketogluconate or arginate) or use magnesum citrate.
Calcium ~300mg /day (if consuming dairy) ~300mg 2x/day (if no dairy) | Best Ca sources: Microcrystalline Calcium hydroxyapatite (low heat processed from organic animals), Calcium from egg-shells, or Calcium Citrate. Take with a mealHere: dairy intake for determining your dose does not include butter |
Probiotic Tens of billions CFU/day | To reestablish a healthy balance of good bacterial flora crucial for immune system function, take a high-quality supplement containing ~50 billion CFU/day for 2-3 months. Maintain flora with natural food probiotics or continue taking supplement (maybe at a lower dose). PROBIOTICS |
Amino acids | Arginine (250mg), Carnitine (250mg) – can be obtained from dietary protein |
COCONUT OIL (Virgin) 1-3 Tbsp/day | Provides energy for those with impaired fat digestion;(those without gallbladder; diabetics) Antiaging; applied to skin, protects against oxidation by UV rays. Add to smoothies, or take straight from spoon.Expeller-pressed coconut oil (has coconut taste and smell removed) is the best oil to use for cooking since it is not easily damaged by heat. |
APPLE CIDER VINEGAR 1-3 Tbsp/day | Put 1 Tbsp. Raw, Unfiltered ACV + 1 tsp. raw honeyin 8 oz cold or heated water. Add juice to taste. Drink 2 – 3 times daily.Aids in digestiontaken half an hour before meals / Prevents insomniataken before bed.Alleviates acid reflux. Many other benefits. |